Ovarian/whomb cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 86 subscribers

My wife's been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian/whomb cancer, this was diagnosed last year. As of today surgeon still unable to commit to operation as the tumor is having a major impact on her haemoglobin levels and her kidneys which they are trying to get sorted before attempting moving forward with any other treatments such as chemotherapy sessions, I have been told if they try to remove the tumor which is causing the issue she may well pass away from the process due to the issues the tumor is causing. In affect she's dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. She's still currently in hospital as they wait for her levels to hopefully stabilise enough so they get a window of opportunity to try removing the tumor. I honestly don't know what to do in this situation ( sorry for rambling on ).

  • Hello  and a warm welcome to you and your wife to the Online Community. I sorry to read of your wife's predicament it must be hard for you both.

    None of us are medically trained here, though between us we've gained a wealth of knowledge so from what I understand your wife has stage 3A cancer meaning the cancer has unfortunately spread from the womb to the ovaries necessitating a hysterectomy and  BSO (removal of fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix). She can't have surgery at the moment as the tumour's causing blood haemoglobin problems which also impacts on the inability to have chemotherapy to reduce the tumour. So it's definitely a difficult situation, I sympathise and understand how frustrated you must feel.

    It might be a good thing to talk through your concerns with one of our nurses. Call the Macmillan Support helpline, the freephone number is below, they'll be glad to take your call and offer some support.

    Please keep us informed as to how she gets on and we hope she's out of hospital soon having been stabilised in some way.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Taffman 

    Your not rambling at all it takes courage to reach out and you have certainly come to the right place for support.  Barb is right our nurses are amazing and have the medical knowledge that we don't. 

    Iam so sorry to hear about your wife, she is in the best place for our amazing NHS to get things stabilised enough so they can start sorting the cancer out. It must be frustrating but be assured that they are doing everything in her best interest. 

    Thinking of you both and please feel free to vent with us anytime. 

    Robin xxx