So stressed

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I know I was told my results of my Hysteroscopy,D &C and biopsy would be three  to four week but it is taking over my life ,that’s all I can think about., I look for the postman every morning I don’t let my phone out my site,it’s not normal what I’m doing and I can’t help it. I do keep myself busy and my husband has been so supportive but until I know my results I just can’t live a normal life. I’m a strong person and I can’t believe how much all this has affected me. I haven’t stopped bleeding and I thought after the D &C Iwould have. When it gets between 2 and 3 in the afternoon I feel so tired and I’ve alway been so active. I don’t even know why I’m posting

  • Hi Hawthorn I know the waiting is the worst part. In my case the consultant did mention I would get results in the post in 2/3 weeks but what actually happened was the CNS phoned me with an appointment just after a week. She didn't exactly tell me results but she mentioned the doctor had also booked me in for MRI And CT scans and so then I knew from this that they had found something. Coming from a no cancer family (apart from my son died of brain tumour and not relative to breast/uterus cancer) it was a huge shock. 

    So what I would do is maybe leave it till Monday and if you still haven't heard give your CNS a call who will be able to advise you on the reality of waiting times and talk you through any concerns that you have.

    They are Happy to help, I did also contact them when I had  my scans and she did confirm the results over the phone and went through the report. Although in your case she may not actually tell you results but may be able to tell you the next steps etc.

    Hope you can put your mind at ease a bit and relax, I know this is the worst part. X

  • Hi Hawthorn, the waiting is the worst! I had an endometrial biopsy on the 9th March after an episode of post menopausal bleeding (my second in 6 months) and have heard nothing.

    I called the gynaecologist department yesterday, and was told to contact my consultants secretary but she's until Monday. I asked if there were any appointments for me, but there was nothing on their system. 

    I don't know what to think, and all kinds of things are going around my head. I also watch for the postie, and have my phone on at all times, so you are not alone. 

    Why not give the department a call and see if they can help at all, worth an ask anyway. 

    Take care xx

  • Hi . It's always when your expecting a letter the postman doesn't deliver . It will arrive but I do know the anxiety you're going through. I'd give the gynae department a ring. I've become one who pesters and someone will be able to help. Tell them your still bleeding. The tiredness is probably due to the stress you're under. Try and ignore the fatigue and go for a short walk in this beautiful weather, it may help you surprisingly!

    Big hugs, Barb xx

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    Womb cancer forum

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Hawthorn, bless I feel for you as I well remember the post checking and phone checking. As you haven’t I think had a cancer diagnosis yet, you may not have been given the contact details of your CNS team, so what I’d suggest is that on Monday you phone the Gynae Secretary who works for your consultant (the one whose department did the hysteroscopy etc - his/her name should be on your original appointments letter) and ask if you could possibly have an idea of when you will hear as it’s causing you extreme anxiety. One thing you could ask in particular is on what day of the week the MDT (multi disciplinary team) meeting is as that is likely to dictate when you will hear, as it’s usually only once a week. For example, I found out that my hysteroscopy results came back on a Friday afternoon and therefore missed that week’s MDT as they meet on a Friday morning - and so were delayed a whole extra week. Let us know how you get on.

  • Hope you ladies are doing well. 
    just a update to let you you all know I got a phone call from the hospital yesterday afternoon to see my consultant today at 10 to talk about my results, so I asked if she could tell me them over the phone but she said she couldn’t. Well it wasn’t good news I’ve got womb cancer grade2. I’ve been booked in for a C/T scan and a MRI scan then there will be a meeting with the MDT, to come up with a plan for my treatment ,they meet on a Thursday morning. The consultant was very good with me and my husband and tried his best to explain everything to us and he also gave me a book to take away to read . I also got a number for a specialist nurse and told she’ll be phoning me. It’s yet another waiting game but I’m going to be positive this cancer isn’t going to bring me down.xx Hugs to you all 

  • Hopefully by Friday the CNS nurse may contact you and tell you the results of the MDT meeting, mine did keep me informed and happy to give CT/ MRI results too over the phone, they usually attend the meeting s too. 

    Good luck and keep positive, wishing you the best outcome. X

  • Bless you Hawthorn, hope you get your MRI/CT dates soon - I think my MRI was just a few days after my initial results. Hopefully if yours are before next Thursday you may get to hear the probably staging results at the end of next week.

  • Hi . It's good your husband was able to attend with you, some hospitals still don't allow it and it's the one time you need him there! 

    Your specialist nurse will probably become your best friend, nothing's ever too much trouble for them and they usually give you all the time you nee to talk.

    Love the positive attitude, we've all learned to live with out little hitchhikers! Let us know how things progress.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • After having the hysterocopy the surgeon told me I had abnormal cells and I was phoned by the hospital to go to see them 2 weeks after as they had my results.  I had suspected cancer after the bleed I had as it was different to two other bleeds I had years ago so to be told was not a shock.  Had MRI scan waiting for PET CT scan.  Try and keep positivt,am.

  • Mine is also Grade 2