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I have recently been diagnosed with uterine cancer so what better place to be than in this group with others in a similar boat. Not the boat I might have chosen for myself but here we are. Apparently my dry sarcastic humour makes me unintentionally funny, it's a series subject of course but that's how am but only about my own diagnosis, not other people's. 

I've had problems of the uterine variety since I was 14 years old. Not taken seriously at any stage of my problems not even a one year period was important enough to be listened to. Not even my caner diagnosis is straightforward. How typically me. 

I suppose I joined here today because my life is falling apart at every turn and cancer is the least of my worries right now. I just wanted somewhere to go to make a friend or vent I guess. So here I am!

  • Hello Capylovesjam 

    Glad you found us! So you have cancer of the womb? Do you know what stage and grade you are? You can click on my name and read my profile if it helps you at all? Welcome anyway xx

  • Welcome xxx all the girls/ladies here are fab and very supportive as well as informative we all here for you if u need a rant or chat xx I’m about to have my total hysterectomy on Tuesday but all of the group are at different stages of treatment and recovery xx just ask I’m sure one of us will know the answer xxx

  • Hi Capylovesjam, well done for joining the group and saying hallo! I’d too be interested in knowing whereabouts on your journey you are and what details you know at the moment. This is a great group and you will find lots of support here. I was diagnosed in November 2021 - for any more info please feel free to click on my name and read my story so far. Bless you.

  • Thank you so much! It's stage 1, MRI shows its confined at the moment which is a relief. My husband knows but nobody else does yet. I'm going to read as much as I can xx

  • Good luck, I hope you have a good recovery! Thank you for the welcome. It's not unexpected, there is a very strong family history of cancer so I always assumed it would happen, just a case it when and where at. Best of luck with it all xx

  • Thank you! I'm pretty near the start, I was only diagnosed little over a month ago. It's been a bit of a mess to be honest. I'm not having the easiest of time with consultants and whatnot. It's as if one person has no clue what the other has said and different people are telling me different things. I hope things are going as well as they can for you? X

  • Hi again, do you know if it’s (probable) stage 1a or 1b, and what type and grade? My husband has known from the start but I’ve been quite selective about who else I’ve told, so I can relate. I’m sorry things are especially difficult for you. This is a good place to share and get support.

  • I was diagnosed 14.2.22 so it’s all been very quick and overwhelming 

    my mri shows confined to uterus but obviously I know everything still needs tested for histology I’m being positive as my consultant is very positive too but there’s always that tiny bit of doubt until you’re told for sure x

    i hope everything goes well for you too xx

  • I'm struggling with getting all of the information but as far as I can tell it should be 1a, seems to be early stages do that's good. My family don't know, I need to be able to tell them exactly what's happening, I've been told twice I've been listed for a hysterectomy but both times he has failed to do dom.i can't have anyone else going through the uncertainty I am. It's going to break their hearts as it is, so I need to make it as easy for them as possible

  • Oh what a date to get that news. Mine was 20/01/22. I'm being positive too, not much else I can do especially when I feel like I'm lying to everyone by not telling them. I hope you have s good consultant. Mine was brilliant but he left xx