Hi - again

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I first posted back in June 21 with post menopausal bleeding. I was referred on a 2 week wait, had an external and internal ultrasound and was eventually given the news that all was OK. 

A few days ago I started with another episode of bleeding, so called the GP, and she has given me another 2 week referral. 

I am wondering is it 'normal' to have multiple episodes of post menopausal bleeding and I'm concerned that they missed something back in June. 

Thank you for being here. 


  • Hi Sarah. there's another lady posting at the moment with virtually the same episodes of bleeding (Not post menopausal though). Good your GP's on the ball and referred you again.

    Keep us posted, hugs, Barb xx

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  • Thank you Mrs BJH,

    I had an ultrasound and a TVS last Friday, (25th Feb) and this morning got a letter from the hospital with an appointment for next Wednesday (9th March).

    In with the letter was a leaflet explaining about an endometrial biopsy procedure, so I assume that I am having one of those. There is no mention of it on the appointment letter though. It's worrying that it's all happening rather quickly, but I guess its best to know sooner rather than later. 

    Sarah x 

  • Hi They tend to include leaflets outlining further procedures. The hysteroscopy biopsy procedure can be very painful for some ladies and they elected to have the procedure done under General anaesthetic. I myself had it done that way as due to a stenosed cervix they were unable to insert the "wand" with the camera. Often the leaflet will just say to take a couple of paracetamol an hour before the procedure. For the ladies who've had children, they can cope, I hadn't had children so it did make a difference.

    Hopefully the other ladies will also reply to offer advice.

    Big hug, Barb xx

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  • Hi  my first hysteroscopy also failed for the same reason and I’ve had two children! I know for some people it just feels like period pains but for me it was much more, and the consultant was unwilling to continue and also showed me on the screen where he couldn’t get through! So I was put on the list for one under GA, which meant a couple of weeks’ wait, but it was a doddle and I wished I’d opted for GA from the start! 

  • Hi . Apparently Australians think it's barbaric that we are offered the procedure without General Anaesthetic. I'd always encourage ladies to opt for GA if possible.

    Hugs, Barb x

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    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • The leaflet isn't for a hysteroscopy, its for an endometrial biopsy, when I looked it up it seems to be removal of cells by suction. 

    I am hoping this is the case, as Ive read some awful stories about hysteroscopies. 

  • Ah right, that sounds like an aspiration biopsy 

  • Thank you for your help x

  • Hi Rahh. I had a hysteroscopy without GA or sedation. I can't tell you it was very nice, but it doesn't last long and everyone is very supportive, and will stop at any time you ask them to. I hit it with 2 x co-codamol and 2 x Ibuprofen (I was told 2 x paracetamol and 2 x ibuprofen) so this helped me I think. I was asked how was my pain afterwards, and I can honestly say I didn't have any. I went back to work that day. I wouldn't personally opt for a GA for it, but everyone is different.

  • Thank you Lesley Ann, I am hoping that I don't have to have a hysteroscopy, just an aspiration biopsy. I will be taking the pain killers though just incase. 

    To be honest, I can't really believe that anything is wrong, I feel totally fine but I'm glad they are being thorough. 

    Take care x