radical vulvectomy

  • 8 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I am new to this community (my 1st on-line community)

I am looking to connect w/other females who have experienced a radical vulvectomy

Although it has been >90 days I am still devastated from the loss

  • Hello Kimberly, I'm so sorry you're finding life difficult at the moment. I am very new to my vulval cancer and don't know yet what my treatment will be.  I am 74 though and live alone so wouldn't be quite so traumatic for me as I'm guessing you're a lot younger.  There is lots of support in this group though and I'm sure you'll get some helpful answers and insight into coping with life now. Sending love and healing xx

  • Hi Kimberly 

    Can't give u any advise sorry I've only just been diagnosed but I will be having to have this op myself soon. So can imagine what your thoughts might be.  This is a good place if not to get advise just to know someone else does understand what you are going through. Hope u feel better soon xx

  • Well thank-you for replying...I got a 2nd opinion before surgery and felt more comfortable w/that surgeon...and I am very glad I did as he diid a great job and physically I healed very well.  The facility I went to had support set-up for me w/nurses coming to the hotel  (I live in a very rural area hrs. from care so I chose to stay in a hotel a mile from surgeons office)  every other day .  The first few wks. I just followed instructions .  The emotional healing has been harder...but I have faith the surgeon made the right choice so I can be cancer free .Hope all goes well for your surgery and swift healing.  FYI, I am 62...feel free to ask me any ?'s

  • Thank-you for responding.  I am 62 yrs. old.  I am happy to answer any ?'s you may have...I was lucky that I had great faith in my surgeon...trust your instincts

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the online community, although I’m sorry you find yourself here. 

    I had a wide local excision to remove my VIN3 and vulval cancer, so I believe it’s a little different to your surgery. I do however understand the emotional impact and would be happy to chat any time. It’s such a personal area of the body to be operated on. 

    Feel free to message any time. 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

  • Thank you Kimberly.  Are you on your own too? I have supportive family and friends around me but live in a small seaside town about 10 miles from the hospital I'm to have the treatment at. I have a dear friend, an ex partner, who is going to help with my care afterwards so I'm lucky to be able to be at home, being in a hotel must have felt quite strange. I'm so glad to hear you've healed well.  I think the emotional side is more difficult to deal with though, it certainly has been so far for me.  My little dog Molly is a comfort, she always comes and sits by me if I get upset as tears never far from the surface at the moment.  I hope you get supportive help soon, I will stay in touch and let my friends here know what's happening. 

    Love Sandyx

  • Hi

    I had a total radical vulvectomy in February. I'm just waiting to have my lymph nodes removed. If you want to chat about anything feel free to message me.


  • Hi Kimberly,

    I had a vaginalectomy last July for colon cancer, im a bit complex but you can look at my details for more info should you wish. They also removed part of my labia and have reconstructed all of it using the muscle from my inner left thigh. 

    I am still healing and have bladder issues which I hope will get better but yes psychologically it is still hard to get my head around. I am struggling with the thought of any kind of sexual encounter with my husband still. I have had some counselling with MacMillan.

    But despite the operation being tough it has saved my life and that I can only be thankful of. The care I have received and continue to receive has been brilliant. 

    So although my op isn't completely the same as yours I wanted to touch base with you as this is such a delicate area to have cancer that many people don't talk about I