
  • 6 replies
  • 30 subscribers

I am a a bit aprehensive about visit to gynae clinic tomorrow. Have suffered years with Lichen Sclerosus, now my GP wants me to have a biopsy

  • Hi pollypa8 welcome to the group, but sorry you find yourself here. I am not surprised you are apprehensive, any mention of biopsy sends out heads into panic mode. Lichen sclerosus is a horrible condition to have, and this could be a flare up but if your GP has seen something he is not sure about, he is wise to get it checked.   

    Let us know how you get on at the appointment x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi pollypa8, 

    How did you get on at your appointment?

    The worst bit is waiting for the results but try not to worry. Easier said than done I know. The stats are in your favour. Although 60% of patients with my type of vulval cancer have LS it is extremely rare for LS to develop into cancer - if that makes sense.

    All the best 


  • So had my biopsy on Thursday and now just the worrying wait ! Thank you for your reply it is reassuring . I don’t think I will have long to wait as our health board seems quite efficient being a relatively small one. However, the worry is torture as you will know from experience. I do have my husband who knows but he has his own health problems and therefore I don’t want to talk to him too much about it. At the moment I feel ‘ very much on my own’ so to speak. I have considered mentioning it to my children but then thought why worry them too. Then I consider again and ask myself what if the results are positive, will they scold me for not telling them before? Bit of a dilemma really.  I am very positive for the outcome and after your reply I am even more positive. Thank you again. Cheers

  • You are welcome.

    Please let us know how you get on. It is very likely that you do not have cancer and it would be good to share the news - it will give others in your position hope. In the unlikely event that it is cancer you will get help and support here. Our nearest and dearest cannot understand, even though they try, because they haven't been through it themselves; although perhaps your husband can because of his own health issues.

    All the best 

  • Hello all,

    Still waiting for my biopsy results and the stress and worry is really getting me down. I can’t function, don’t want to do anything even a chore to get out of bed. I feel so alone, I have no one to tell how I feel.

  • Hi Pollypa8 you are not alone, we are here for you. It's been a couple of weeks now, so the biopsy results shouldn't be much longer. I know how much the waiting feels like torture. Did you talk to your children about what you are going through? I know you said you were undecided about speaking to them. x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge