vulva cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers

i had bowel cancer 2 years ago and everything went well just surgery and aftercare bloods and scans, i went in to have a large lump removed from next to my vagina that we already knew was benign, i had a sore on the vulva that nipped when i went for a pee and was bleeding, mentioned it on the morning of my op, he came back after surgery and said everything was fine and he had removed both, i thought that was it..but then he calls me a week later to tell me i have vulva skin cancer, i never worried because i thought he had cut it all away, turns out it was only a bi-opsy, i had to go back as the wound had became infected and another doctor asked how i was and if i was doing okay with the cancer diagnosis and did i need to speak to someone..counsellor, he then went on to explain that i had cancer and the bit they removed was only a tiny bit and will need radiation or chemo, i feel so stupid for not understanding when the surgeon said he would pass me on to oncology i thought it was because i had cancer before and was still  getting bloods and scans  phone appointments, i was fine with the last one, scared about the surgery but not really worried and no i am so scared, i am on my own as my partner is now in hospital and does not have long, i don't know when i will see someone or start treatment or what the treatment will involve, i have severe depression, epilepsy and borderline agoraphobia, i live on benefits and now worried how i will get to hospital and back for treatment............i just feel everything is closing in on me, i have always been the practical, organised and in control person who does not worry and just get's on with i feel like something has gone wrong with me and i am no longer ME.

  • Hi Nexus4586. Welcome to the group, but I am so sorry you find yourself here. You have been through a lot already with the bowel cancer, and now finding out you have vulva cancer must be such a shock.  I am also sorry to hear about your partner. You have such a lot going on right now. Have you thought about your doctors suggestion to see a counsellor? I am not sure if you would be entitled to transport to and from the hospital for treatment. Can I suggest you call the Macmillan support line who can help you with this. They are there 7 days a week from 8am until 8pm on 0808 808 00 00. 

    I have not had the surgery that you are having, so hopefully someone who has experience of this will be along soon to share their experience with you. 

    Take care 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    hi chelle

    thank you so much for the reply, i had thought about the counsellor but i am not the type to talk about my problems, even with my mum and family.

    i got a call from the doctor who will be dealing with me, she said they all get together on a wednesday and will call me to make an appointment to discuss the best course of treatment so that has settled me a bit, one of the options might be more surgery but if it is other treatments then i will see what the hospital can put in place for travelling.

    thank you for the suggestions and i will consider all of them.

    take care

    nex x

  • Hello,

    I hope things have become clearer for you now. I recently had vulval cancer removed and am happy to answer any questions if I am able to. Although I didn’t have any chemo or radiation so can’t help on that front. I had a biopsy, followed by a wide local excision to remove what we believed was Pre cancer and then a further operation to remove some more tissue and a node from each side to check there was no further cancer or cells xx

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to vulval cancer warrior

    hi lost

    i have an appointment with the surgeon on 7th july (my, i have been told that they will remove all my groin lymph nodes and i will have drains in for a week or so depending how much they drain, have been told i will be in bed for at least a week, i have a low immune system as i have severe psoriasis, so i am prone to infections,  i feel a bit better now that i know what i am facing. when i had bowel cancer they removed the tumor, lymph nodes and about half of my bowel, the surgeon did say that i probably still had dormant  cancer somewhere in my body, i had a neck to groin scan and blood tests back in march and nothing showed up, so i am crossing my fingers that they have caught it early....i will fight it for the sake of my son and grandchildren but it will be more difficult since i lost my partner,, we had been together 18 years,  i told him i was fine and that i will be okay as i said goodbye to him,  i miss not having him here to tell me not to worry.

    thank you so much for answering my post.

    nexus x

  • I’m glad things are clearer for you now, although it’s a shame your appointment has fallen on your birthday!

    Yes, keep fighting, you can do it! I have everything crossed that they caught it early. 

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I imagine it’s difficult going through this without him. He would have been right though, so please try not to worry, although I appreciate it’s difficult. 

    No worries at all, happy to talk at any time if I can help at all. 


    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm