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Hello all very new still so not 100% on all the vocabulary dont think I've taken much in to be honest. But I have my op on friday and I feel so nervous about how much it will hurt how much they gonna take how long I'll b in for how long I'll take to recover I kno that every body is different. It's just soooo over welming since I had my biopsy to now having the op. I kno that's a good thing getting in early just dont feel I've had time to process everything and actually ask the right questions about what I actually have. Like do I have cancer cancer or is it just in the lump if my nodes r ok so once the lump is gone am I ok. I kno I can ask my nurses I just dont kno what to ask what's the right question 

  • Hi ,

    I remember just like yourself  having lots of questions. Although it’s impossible to say how things will be for you, I can share my experience. I am not sure what operation you’re having, but mine was a wide local excision, which is often shortened to WLE. After my first one I was rather uncomfortable, but setting reminders to take my painkillers before the pain was a it’s worst really helped. If you’re uncomfortable just be sure to get some painkillers from the hospital  to take home after the op. I had a second WLE (I also had a sentinel node biopsy at the same time)  the pain was no where near as bad and I mainly got by with paracetamol and ibuprofen. So if you’re ok to take them then I would advise having some in for if you need them. My biggest tip is comfortable clothes! Nice lose, breathable clothes are good!

    I was a day case for my first WLE and I stayed in for 1 night afternmy second. I think a lot depends on the consultant and the person themselves. 

    My recovery was quite slow, but I did have complications. I developed a nasty infection after my first op and I busted a wound after my second op. I would say allow yourself plenty of time and then anything less is a bonus. My first consultant said the recovery  would be 2 weeks, but my second consultant said 6-12 weeks. Just to add to the confusion the second consultant didn’t perform my op in the end and the consultant that did said the recovery would be 4-6 weeks. As you see it’s a bit of a minefield! The first week is the worst, I felt more comfortable by the second week and could do most things by 6 weeks. It really does depend on the individual and how much is taken from the vulva etc. 

    I found it helpful to jot down questions as they come to me, just little things here and there. By the time I had my appointment I had a full list of questions. What I will say is there’s no wrong question to ask! If you want to know the answer then it’s important to you. If you can’t think of a way to phrase a question then I would just jot a small note and your consultant will probably understand what you are trying to ask. I found a good starting point for me was what type of cancer do I have and what will happen after my operation- will I need further treatment? My consultant ordered a scan and from this they could tell me they couldn’t see any signs of cancer anywhere else. After testing my nodes they could tell me they where clear. This then meant for me that after they removed my lump the cancer was gone and because mine was only stage 1b I didn’t need any further treatment. I know it very much depends on the stage of the cancer and whether it is found to have spread, so hopefully when you have these answers it will help to answer your questions. Like I said before though I can only talk from my experience, I know of people that had a very different experience to me. 

    Your nurses are likely to be a great source if information. They will probably have access to your records and will be able to tailor their answers to your specific needs. I’ve found the nurses to be very caring and easy to talk to. You could also call the Macmillan support line on the number below, they are lovely and have a wealth of knowledge.

    I wish you the very best of luck for your upcoming surgery and recovery. I’m only a message away if you want to chat or have any questions that I may be able to help with.

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for sharing I'm planning on just staying in pjs for the first week after I'm home. I bought some mens boxers aswell. I've never really thought about the pain I'll make sure I have plenty of pain killers in just thought I'd b sore I'll have to let people actually help me then I'm very stubborn I've bin told saying I'd b ok guess not x

  • Hi ,

    No worries at all Slight smile

    Pj's are a great idea and so are boxers. My team like you to wear no underwear if possible, but mine oozed so I needed to be able to keep a pad in place. Boxers were the most comfortable with the node incisions.

    After my second operation I was only sore, so hopefully you will be ok. After my first operation it was pretty painful if I allowed my pain relief to wear off, but I have since learnt that the pain I experienced was most likely far worse due to the infection I had. 

    I am not the best at accepting help either, I am very independent and like to get things done myself, but yes do allow people to help. I have learnt that by taking things slowly and accepting help you recover quicker in the long run!

    Please do stay in touch and let us know how it goes on Friday!

    Good luck and take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Runner85

    I hope your op has gone well?

    My first op to have a "cyst" removed in my vulva went well and I was on the mend in a couple of days. The 2nd op to excise the margin when the cyst turned out to be Leiomyosarcoma was a bigger op and I had a few complications (the stitches collapsed 4 days after surgery) but I still healed within 6 weeks, plenty of cotton panties with a pad and baggy shorts/ pj's!

    Keep on top of pain relief, ice packs also help (I'm thankful of having a high pain threshold so more discomfort and ice packs than pain relief for me) keep it clean and dry.

    Please feel free to message, 

    Hope you're on the mend

    Chrissy x