CUP diagnosis

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Started having pain 6 years ago on and off in lower right side stomach. Had so many scans over the years and consultants saying I'm a puzzle to them and saying different things. 2 years ago had hernia repair which I was told for few years no hernia till I saw a surgeon out of area and he said yes do have hernia so he repaired.  Pain in right side stomach still there.  Fast forward to this year. Had scan in February as pain still really bad in right side stomach, scan showed something so was sent for PET scan. Then went in for laparascopy to take a look, took a small nodule out to biopsy and there you have it, Mr cancer, but it was secondry and no idea where primary is.  The nodule showed up on scan 3 years ago so not sure why it wasn't looked at then but hey ho.

Have had another PET scan and scan on breasts but nothing is showing up anywhere,I'm being told once again I'm a puzzle and an unusual case whatever that means. I don't feel ill at all, am I supposed to I don't know.  I have had one appt with a doctor in oncology , I can either watch and wait and have PET scan every 3 months to see if and when primary shows itself or I can have mop up chemotherapy, bearing in mind I feel well at mo.  Just don't know what to do and having trouble getting my head round it all.

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