New diagnosis

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I’ve migrated over from oesophageal cancer forum .From 2022  -present day my husband is recovering and hopefully cancer free after a 13 month experience of diagnostics subsequent treatment (FLOT chemo ) and major surgery for Stage 2 OC .

Now unfortunately the family are trying to support my Dad through his own experience with this dreadful disease. During an hospital stay after a fall ( dislocated hip ) it was discovered he had sepsis and after a blood test which prompted a CT scan we have been told he has three large bulky malignancies in his liver , lymph node involvement , pitted bones in the right side of his rib cage and  lung cancer .Tests have shown none of these are the primary cancer so at the moment any options for treatment can’t be offered , only pain management and steroids .He is classed at the moment as a CUP patient ( Cancer of Unknown Primary) ..
Totally unexpected but looking back we had noticed a bit of weight loss over the last twelve months and he’d started having afternoon naps , but put it down to his age ( a youthful 83) and he had assured us he felt fine .

Obviously we know his situation isn’t good and the worry is if he was offered any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy  would it be beneficial for him at this stage ? .Of course the decision would be his to make and we’d support him .
Am I wrong and selfish to secretly wish whatever time he has left to be free from the  possible side effects of chemotherapy ? I feel if he could be kept pain free we could have some quality time with him .He has minimal pain at present as he takes eight paracetamol  a day and has been prescribed oxycodone for any breakthrough pain , which so far he doesn’t have often. He also has a prescribed codeine linctus  for a cough which seems to be going worse as time goes by. 

I found the OC forum very helpful and supportive when my husband was going through his Cancer experience so I thought I’d reach out on here.

Regards J 

  • Hello JPM

    Welcome to the Unknown Primary Cancer forum.

    I hope that your husband continues to recover from his treatment. I am glad that you found the community helpful during his diagnosis and treatment.

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad's fall and subsequent diagnosis of cancer. it must be hard when they are still unsure of where it began and to find out like you all did. With his weight loss and needing an afternoon nap- it is easy to put this down to him getting older.

    Treatment decisions can be hard and all you can do is to support Dad in what he feels is best for him. I understand your worries and it is natural to want him to be pain free and to feel as well as he can- at his age- and to want to spend quality time with him. I had both radiotherapy and chemotherapy and the treatments can be quite aggressive and can have a lot of side effects. I suppose really it is about having the information you need, talking things through with Dad and his doctors and to come up with a plan that is best for him. 

    I will pop a link here with some info that may help.

    Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    I am glad Dad is having minimal pain and I hope that any other symptoms can be managed for him.

    If talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call.

    I wish you all well, what ever treatment Dad decides is best for him, and we will be here when you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm