CUPS New to this

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I started going to the doctors two years ago with pains across my abdomen. Several MRI scans later which found a focal fatty spur on the liver and a cyst on the kidney no Cancer revealed. Told the pain was muscle related due to my job. GP called it Diastic abdominal recti, I Googled this complete, rubbish as this condition runs vertical. I insisted a consultant only to be denied because GP told GI request it was the afore mentioned. Requested another GP who sent me for CT scan Feb 2024 Then told I needed biopsy of the Omentum by Surgery. Cancer confirmed, 4 Weeks now under CUPS team, wait is agonizing. Have to wait until every Friday for MDT meeting to find out if they know anything. Has anyone else had this Cancer?

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like you've had a long and difficult time to get to where you are now. I didn't have CUP but lots of people do and you can read about their experiences if you click on any of the threads in this forum.

    I know how hard waiting is but do you have a cancer nurse specialist, sometimes referred to as a key worker or Macmillan nurse, as they are available to support you during this time and answer any questions you might have?

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  • My husband has CUP and he’s currently on chemotherapy. He has the small cell carcinoma type, let me know if I can help in anyway please