CUPS New to this

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I started going to the doctors two years ago with pains across my abdomen. Several MRI scans later which found a focal fatty spur on the liver and a cyst on the kidney no Cancer revealed. Told the pain was muscle related due to my job. GP called it Diastic abdominal recti, I Googled this complete, rubbish as this condition runs vertical. I insisted a consultant only to be denied because GP told GI request it was the afore mentioned. Requested another GP who sent me for CT scan Feb 2024 Then told I needed biopsy of the Omentum by Surgery. Cancer confirmed, 4 Weeks now under CUPS team, wait is agonizing. Have to wait until every Friday for MDT meeting to find out if they know anything. Has anyone else had this Cancer?

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like you've had a long and difficult time to get to where you are now. I didn't have CUP but lots of people do and you can read about their experiences if you click on any of the threads in this forum.

    I know how hard waiting is but do you have a cancer nurse specialist, sometimes referred to as a key worker or Macmillan nurse, as they are available to support you during this time and answer any questions you might have?

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  • My husband has CUP and he’s currently on chemotherapy. He has the small cell carcinoma type, let me know if I can help in anyway please 

  • My husband has CUP 

    sounds like you had to fight for appointment! That’s tough 

    he has just started chemo for the “gut “ area. ( a guess ) after 4-6 rounds of chemo a scan will happen to see if they have guessed correctly 

  • Hey there 

    my husband has CUP. Stage 4. We are still waiting for bio markers to come back to give more info. 
    he has started chemo on a guessed site. 
    Its hard waiting for info. MDT only meet on a Wednesday. How are you finding things. It’s very rare isn’t it ?

  • He has just had a 10 day stay in a local hospice to manage pain. They were so amazing. Got pain in a much more manageable place. 

  • Hi yorkybar,

    Reading your post sounds very similar to what I have been going through for nearly 6 years. Told by consultants abdominal recti and other things but turns out I have CUP cancer.  They did a laparascopy in May and excision of omental nodule which was biopsied and was found to be secondry cancer.  They cannot find my primary cancer as it is not showing on PET scan.  Please feel free to contact me anytime.   I hope they give you some answers soon. X