Feeling a bit lost

  • 16 replies
  • 6 subscribers

I’ve had a biopsy & been advised it’s a CUP as my symptom is a swollen shoulder. Nothing else is showing anywhere on the various scans but now I’m really worried where or what the primary could be. What tests did you have? How long have you waited for appointments? Like most I’ve done some research on the internet and now I’m even more worried. Finding it hard to keep going normally 

  • Morning I don’t have a big family only my daughter who has been amazing throughout this 

    I find it hard to navigate this web site but definitely email me if you want it sounds like we have similar issues, I haven’t found one single person who has the same as me until I read your posts 

  • Hi - like you I’ve been struggling to navigate this site!! I’m finding it a big help to talk to someone with similar symptoms. I haven’t a big family either but my husband & daughter are very supportive. I’m trying to stay positive but it’s difficult with all the unknowns 

  • Hiya - PIC line does need to be flushed but they show you how and give you everything you need  - there are lots of videos on line - you could take someone to hospital and let them observe it being done so they can help you - it would be a bit awkward to do on your own.  I did take supplements (not while chemo is being admistered but defintely in between).  I take Vitamin B12 and D3 a good probiotic, a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (food grade) in water and I buy a Turkey Tail mushroom complex tincture - which is safe during chemo - Turkey Tail is amazing - have a read up on it - I get mine from https://www.iwmushrooms.co.uk/product/turkey-tail-dual-extract-tincture/

    I continue to take all of my supplements - can't promise they have helped but can't promise they haven't but I feel they helped a lot to keep my immune system going.  You are right about the unknown - even though i have had clear scans this time I will worry next time they are due.  Hope this helps x

  • Hi I did add my email but of coarse it’s not allowed on the site which is understandable, somebody kindly emailed to tell me and to also tell me I can message you privately from this page so I will try and do that now Xx

  • Hi I have sent you a friends request apparently that has to be done before we can private message each other 


  • I’ve messaged you so I hope it’s arrived x