Appointment with surgeon after being told I didn't need surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Long story short; I had biopsy results back that suggested that I may have follicular thyroid cancer. My endocrinologist rang me and said that the usual procedure was surgery but then a second endocrinologist rang and said I didn't need surgery.

Was all a bit confusing but now I have an appointment with an endocrine surgeon next week, has anyone had something similar? I'm now fluctuating between the idea of having surgery and not having surgery.

  • Hi Kaspiansce welcome to the forum. Gosh no wonder you are confused and little wonder. What an unusual thing to happen for you. I would be tempted to have a list of questions for the Surgeon when you see them, explain what you have said here and ask for some clarity re the differing opinions. I can totally understand why you are fluctuating , however, I truly believe further clarity to make an informed choice. X


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  • Hi GRANNY59,

    Thanks for your reply, writing a list is a really good idea as it will help me feel a bit more prepared. I think it will be a relief to have the appointment next week as hopefully after, I will know what the plan is.