Paranoid over large nodules

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I recently found a large lump in my neck and chased my GP into getting me an urgent ultrasound, they found nodules around 8.8 x 6.4 x 4.5cm which I think is pretty damn big, it's very visible, is pushing on my trachea and I've had a couple of choking fits. My oxygen is restricted when I lie down also.I

just saw the head and neck clinic, they did a camera up my nose and ordered a CAT scan but no biopsy, as it was rated 2 on the ultrasound. Now I'm paranoid, I had a serious misdiagnosis 9 years ago of a brain tumor and I'm struggling to have confidence in this, she said I will probably need an operation but surely something that large would warrant a biopsy?

  • Hi Deebee33

    I'm sorry you find yourself in this situation. I can certainly empathise with misdiagnosis. My medullary thyroid cancer was misdiagnosed for around 8 years by which time it had spread to lymph nodes. I have completely lost faith in my GP but once I was referred, my medical team are brilliant and I trust them completely.

    I must say it does seem the usual course from members on here to biopsy but are they waiting to get more detailed info from your CT scan first? I was told biopsy in this area of course carries it's own risks.

    Could you speak to the consultant's secretary to get more information? 

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hi, i had to insist to my GP I wanted to be fast tracked as it met the NICE guidelines due to the fast growing size. I was booked to see the consultant  but only saw the lead nurse. I'm used to checking on medical stuff as had a misdiagnosis 9 years ago and I have a personal friend who is a consultant so I always ask her opinion.

    I know ultrasounds are not definitive for cancer, so I'm uneasy. I'll wait to see when my CT scsn is, they said about 2 weeks. 

    8 years was a long time to be walking around undiagnosed! How big did it get?

  • That's great you have a consultant friend, they will be able to give you much more relevant advice.

    I'm surprised you saw the lead nurse not the consultant! I would be unhappy with that. No wonder you're worried.

    Well, for me it was more I was getting increasingly unwell over the 8 years. I went from running 10ks to being so fatigued I couldn't even walk the dogs! Kept going back to GP but she kept insisting it was menopause! Meantime it had of course spread to lymph nodes, I noticed a lump and a different GP fast tracked me. The actual tumour was 2.2cm but I had to have such invasive neck dissection surgery to clear the lymph nodes, I'm still dealing with post op pain a year later!

    Fingers crossed for your CT. Glad you've got the consultant friend in your corner now x

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • I know what you mean, my GP thought my brain tumour was a trapped nerve for 3 months! I ended up doing a private MRI and got a call from hospital 8am next day to come in urgently. It was a 15.5 cm lesion. My consultant friend came to appointments with me to grasp the info , it's confusing getting a serious diagnosis.

    I hope you are ok now, thanks for replying