New lump after treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has experienced similar…I had thyroidectomy and neck dissection last October and RAI in January. Was told my body had responded well to the RAI and I would be seen again in July for a scan etc to monitor. But I’ve definitely found a small lump in my neck - it’s nearer the back than the front, so not near the surgery site. 9 out of the 10 lymph nodes they removed had cancer in them so I’m trying not to panic that this could be a bad sign. I have had several viruses recently and am hoping it is just a node responding to infection but does anyone have a similar story either where it turned out to be nothing or indeed if it turned out to be sinister?

I spoke to the cancer care team today and they have booked me in to see my surgeon in 2 weeks, which is great, but 2 weeks seems a long time again!!

Thanks so much,


  • Hi Mbow,

    I really hope your lump is due to those viruses you had, I can certainly empathise with your concern. I think after going through this it makes us extra vigilant, which is good of course and we soon feel anything different, which naturally brings on the anxiety. I convinced myself I had but my consultant didn't find anything suspicious thankfully. That's great you're being seen in 2 weeks but I know what you mean, that seems a long time to try and keep your mind off it. Do let us know how you get on, everything crossed for you.

  • Thanks for your reply! Yes it is all very anxiety provoking isn’t it. I’m glad yours turned out to be nothing suspicious but it’s still a horrible process. I hope you have a smoother time going forward and I’ll let you know what the surgeon says!