Recovery after surgery

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I recently was diagnosed with b1 thymoma cancer and had sergery to remove the thymoma. They removed it successfully and it hadn’t spread around the body. All I need is monitoring for the next five years. But worried that it could return. I am feeling low and sad after my surgery 

  • My son has thymoma and will have his thymus removed in the nest few weeks. I should be pleased if you would tell me what kind of monitoring you are getting and how often. He too is worried about it returning and of course wants to do everything possible to prevent that.

  • I have just been referred back to the hospital that diagnosed my thymoma so I am waiting to have an appointment . The doctor said it’s around 3 months after my surgery which was on the 14th March.

  •  I had my surgery on the 14th March so I am waiting for my appointment to have a ct scan done. They said it will be 3 months after the surgery .

  • That is very recent. It may be that you are feeling low just as a result of the physical trauma of the op. Such an operation is like an assault on our bodies. The op in itself is enough to make you a bit depressed.

    We are actually grateful for the prospect of continued checking (though we have no idea what form it will take) as that suggests that if there is any recurrence they would find it  and treat it early. I have found an organisation called Thymic UK. They are having a conference for thymus cancer patients in Cambridge on 7th May.At the conference they will discuss amongst other things the risk of recurrence or new cancers. That might help you if Cambridge is within reach of where you live. I would like to go but that's almost the exact date that my son is hoping to get his thymectomy, so unless it's postponed for some reason I shan't be able to.

  • Is it normal to feel sad and depressed after the surgery. Also I am coping with a cold that I think I caught after surgery. The nurse at the hospital said the recover could take 4-6 weeks and maybe longer . It hasn’t been a month since my operation. 

  • Thank you for your reply. I am sorry you are feeling so low. It may just be the result of the physical trauma of the op, and go away when you are fully recovered from that. I have found an organisation called Thymic UK. They are having a conference for thymus cancer patients and doctors who specialize in that type of cancer on 7th May in Cambridge. I should like to go but probably shan't be able to as it is a long way from where I live. Also close to the time we think my son will have his thymectomy.  Maybe you are nearer. I know they will specifically cover risk of return and risk of new cancers.

  • Did you have the op where they cut through the breastbone? If so, it's no wonder you are still feeling down.

  • Yes I had a median sternotomy where they cut through the breastbone 

  • I bet that hurt afterwards! Still, they say it is by far the best for getting the whole of the tumour out. It's good you have no spread. That very much improves your chances of not getting a recurrence. Good luck with your recovery.

  • Wish ne luck will have to have surveillance for next 5years. Habe my first one in June