Large B cell lymphoma

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  • 3 subscribers

I have the above cancer and been having Pola-br chemotherapy. I have had nausea symptoms throughout which has wiped out my appetite and I have lost weight. Does anyone have a way of counteracting this nausea feeling? I can cope with most of the other side effects but this loss of appetite because of the nausea is getting me down.

Thank you


  • Hi again Ken  …… although T Cell and B-Cell Lymphomas are rather different with T-Cell being on the rare side the challenges you are facing goes across all types of Lymphoma.

    Ongoing Nausea can be a challenge and fir some there us no simple fix…… over my years of treatment we often had to swap the anti-nausea meds often going back to the first meds and working through them again….. it was like my digestive system and muscle reaction regularly changed…… I also found I had anticipatory nausea especially with some if the dreadful oral meds I had to take.

    I lost 27kgs over my treatment and at times found eating hard especially during my second SCT……

    But my long suffering wife kept reminding me that enjoying food in anyway was out of the window….. and it was all about getting fuel (protein) into my body so I often just had regular small cups of good homemade soup with lots of double cream put in my hand and my wife stood there until I had eaten it.

    I also was seeing a dietitian who recommended some changes in my meds to my consultant……. it did not help that I was so sick at one point I developed a massive Hiatus Hernia that did not help.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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