Angio immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma AITL

  • 3 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Is anyone currently or recently been suffering from the same type of cancer as myself, AITL, I was hoping there might be some value in an exchange of symptoms, reaction to Chemo, what happens further down the line etc

Thanking you in anticipation,


  • Hi again , I had a look back at your first thread (LINK) and you are having CHOP.

    Lets see if anyone with AITL comes along. I did a quick search using the Search Tool (Top Right) and there have been a number over the years, lets see if they are still on the site - have a look.

    Are you having any issues and reactions to your treatment?

    The main issue I had was Fatigue to be the main challenge and keeping clear of infection issues as your immune system will be delicate. But here is some bed time reading for you.



    Avoiding Infections

    Eating and Neutropenia

    Peripheral Neuropathy

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hello Mike, Goodness you are on the ball. Thanks for your quick response and suggestions therein. I will follow up on them in due course. 

    I have not had any particular issues or reactions, like you mostly fatigue and keeping clear of infections. Thank you for the links, I will follow them up too. 

    I have to say that so far, I have just had my 3rd dose of CHOP, I have been very lucky with the side effects, not too serious at all. Long may that continue!

    Again many thanks for your help and advice. 


  • Hi Roger, I just happened to check my phone and your post came in.

    I had 6 cycles R-EPOCH, 120 hrs per cycle and had no real issues, fatuge yes and no infections but did pick up Helicobacter Pylori during cycle 3 - a bacteria that developed ulcers and stomach inflammation. The 3 pack antibiotics I was given for the HP were horrendous and put me in bed for a week and was actually far worse than all the chemo put together.

    Always around to help out.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge