Pain in the back and stomach

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone 

my mum had 7 cycles of FLOT back to back from Feb onwards and a total gastrectomy two months ago (no further plans for chemo). She seemed to be recovering reasonably well, but woke up this morning with pain in her stomach and back. She’s been lying down all day which is extremely unusual for her, she’s usually sitting downstairs but today she can’t really leave her bed right now. Is this normal to get pain so long after surgery/ treatment? Just really worried, is anyone else dealing with this after surgery? It hasn’t happened before today really.

  • Sorry to hear about your mum!  I would phone the CNS for advice.  It could be due to what she has eaten but best to get it checked if she is in that amount of discomfort.

    Hope she feels better soon x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you Jacqui I think it was an exercise gone wrong or something as she seems to be ok today! Hearts️ we have an appt tomorrow and I’ll bring it up then anyways