Flot without the f

  • 1 reply
  • 21 subscribers

Hi everyone, I've just seen my oncologist for the first time yesterday, I have stage 3 diffuse adenocarcinoma, because of a previous heart condition hes had to tweak my chemo plan so I'll not be having the fluorouracil element of it, is there anyone else who has had to do this? I'm having it over an extra cycle, now having 4 over 8 weeks instead of the planned 3 over 6, I was just hoping there someone in a similar situation who could advise xx

  • Hi . I've not had chemotherapy so can't advise I'm sorry. Whilst waiting for other members of this group to reply it might be a good idea to  Ask a Nurse here on the forum, just click on the link I've created. You might need to wait two or three days for a reply.

    Wishing you well, B xx

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