Post partial gastromectomy

  • 3 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Day 14 after having my op, still struggling with food and get such bad stomach cramping, feels like someone is twisting my insides, have found out to leave out milk, poached eggs seems to be going down well, but can't really live on them forever. I know things will settle down, but at the moment feel totally rock bottom and energy lacking 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear your recovery is not going well. It could be your new baby tummy and plumbing settling down!  

    It might be worth keeping a food diary to see if a particular food is causing it. 

    It does get better and I found small amounts six times a day.  I kept a blog to record what I ate but in the early days only 6 tablespoons was a rough guide.  

    Happy to answer any questions you have!



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • FormerMember

    Sorry you’re struggling, I remember after my op feeling quite down and wondered if I’d ever feel better. It’s very early days and what you’re going through is normal, I felt like I lived on eggs for a while. I could t tolerate milk either. Stewed Apple a or pear and coconut yoghurt was another staple and gradually I introduced other foods, shepherds pie, pasta with cheese sauces, but it was probably around week 6 I noticed an improvement.

    You will get there, it’s such early days but it does get better. I’m 9 months on and can eat most things, you’ll get there too x

  • So sorry you are struggling - it's very early days. I had soup , porridge, eggs and mashed potato with cheese in the early days. Try to eat very small amounts and include protein - this helps with healing. I simply stayed at home and listened to my body. Lots of resting - afternoon naps every day and getting out for 5-10 minute walks each day.

    Stay strong - it will get better. I had a total gastrectomy 11 months ago and am now eating fairly normally.