Anyone else had to have a second op?

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I'm really panicking ás my second op draws near. I had a bcc removed in Feb and bilobal flap repair which has healed really well and scars not too bad. Unfortunately, they didn't get it all out and I have to go back soon (hopefully) for a second op and skin graft. Doc said that this time it won't be cosmetically as good but it has to be done as the cancer is aggressive and will grow. He said it was only a few cells left behind. It's been a horrible time waiting, hoping and yet dreading the call, and I'm really scared that I'll have a badly misshapen nose and people will start. Anybody else had similar and can hopefully reassure me that I won't look like Voldemort! 

  • Hi Woodside

    I'm not in the same position as you but depending on histology I soon could be.

    I've just had a basal cell removed from my nose and I was given choices.

    The surgeon said there was a 2 percent chance of positive margins but also felt that a 4mm surgical margin would clear it.

    Because of the small chance of positive margins I opted for slow mohs where the basal cell was removed and the wound left to heal by secondary intention pending histology report.

    I'm still waiting on histology but if margins are clear it'll either be reconstructed or left to heal.

    I'm beginning to wish I'd let him reconstruct immediately.. It's almost impossible to keep a dressing on your nose for any length of time.

    Do you know what type of surgery you'll be having?

    I really hope you don't have to wait too long. It must be such a blow having to go through it again 

  • Had the dreaded (but welcome) call last week - having my second op next sat, 16th. Will be glad to get this over and stop the anxiety of waiting, but still dreading the whole process. Will be good to get rid of those mean old cells, but hope I won't lose too much of my nose in the process. Any comments/support will be very welcome to get me through this week! 

  • Hi woodsider

    I really feel for you and hope everything goes well next Saturday.

    Even though I've worked in health care including theatre for many years I can't describe how nervous I was.

    I was supposed to be sedated but the lovely anaesthetist asked if I'd like a general as she thought I'd got a phobia to nose surgery.

    I was thinking that if you're really nervous could you have sedation?

    It would definitely make it easier for you and may be worth asking about?

  •  Thanks for your reply - at least I'm not the only one who panics! I think I can cope with the op side of it, although it's not pleasant, especially the injections. It's just the resulting scarring that's getting to me. My consultant gave me the worst case scenario talk, as they do, and I'm imagining all sorts of horrible disfigurements. Maybe it won't be that bad, but I'm expecting the worst. Don't want to frighten the grandchildren! All the best to you in your journey.

  • Hi Woodside

    Thinking about you and hoping all goes well on Saturday.

    I understand your concerns. I have a wound healing by secondary intention on my nose and it's taking its time.

    I don't know if this will help but I was told that facial skin heals well. It may take time but it does heal.

    I'm sure your surgeon will also do his best to minimise scarring as well, but whatever you'll feel better knowing it's out.

    All the best for Saturday 

  • Thanks for the reassurance. I did have some panic during the week and rang the consultant's secretary with a few questions. He rang today so feeling a bit better about things. He said that when the cancer is taken out, they mark the top of the thing with a little suture to mark 12 o'clock. Using that mark, the pathologist who examines it can give a fairly accurate indication of where the remaining cancer cells are, so they have a good chance of getting it all out whilst taking out the minimum of tissue. Apparently my stray cells are at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock! They don't do MOHS in Hull so let's hope it works. 

  • That's interesting I didn't know they did that.

    Glad the consultant was able to reassure you.

    When you feel up to it please post how you hot on 

  • All done and at home recovering, thanks. Now the long wait to find out if it's all out!

  • Glad it's done and hope it wasn't too bad to go through.

    Yes the wait is awful but as it was mapped it should all be gone now.

    Just rest and let your body heal now 

  • Hi Woodsider

    How's your nose feeling?

    It must be a tremendous relief to have got it done and over with