Vulval BCC??

  • 12 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi there, I have been calling on Dr Google over the past week since I had what the dermatology consultant called a basal cell carcinoma removed from my Labia Majora. This searching has led me to this site and I just wanted to reach out to others who may have experienced this or those that may benefit from my journey.

I have had a small red lump in the area for 4+ years, initially believing it was folliculitis and was treated with antibiotics back 3 years ago. I carried on thinking it would always be a vulnerable area thus never thought much of it being anything too harmful. It always would itch in the shower and bled now and then, more so after friction and wearing sanitary wear. I tried squeezing it, dressing it (I’m a nurse :)) but because it never swelled, broke out and wasn’t classically looking infected I ignored it hoped one day it would disappear. I used to work in gynae oncology and was also a practice nurse so I knew there was potential for discomfort/disfigurement and because I never believed it could be cancer I lived with it.

Roll-on to this time last year. I went to my GP as it appeared there was a further lump underneath the skin leading to the back passage which was not visible and this seemed to trigger my brain....come on, stop being stupid and just get it checked out. The GP could give me no answer and took photos and forwarded it with the referral to my local dermatology dept. I was advised if there was concern they or dermatology would contact me. I never heard anything until 2 weeks ago. I didn’t chase it as I thought they had reviewed it and all was OK.

The dermatology clinic rang me and I was booked in for an evening appt, where the consultant looked with his visible eye and said it appeared to be an angioma but nothing sinister. They gave me the option to keep it or remove it and I  opted to remove as it was aggravating me too much, more so because of the delicate area it was in.

A week later they rang me with a Sunday appt and I jumped at it as it meant I did not need time off work. A different consultant looked at it with a magnifying viewer and told me he has only ever seen one of these before in his career, as it’s such an unusual place for it to be considering it doesn’t see sunlight. He told me it was a basal cell carcinoma. I was given local anaesthetic and he removed it, along with the lump underneath the skin. I was in total shock as I was expecting a little nick and a quick recovery. Instead I had internal and external stitches. He wasn’t able to clarify if it had all been removed and told me my results would be in the post. I had my stitches removed on day 8 and my wound is now well healed with an unscheduled week off work and putting my feet up. 

Ive written a long post because I have appreciated others stories about their cancer journey and I’d like to share mine with others that may be in the same boat even if it is just a scare.

Im now day 10 following excision and waiting for my results. Naturally I have all sorts of fears running through my head, but until those results land on my door mat I’m trying to remain super positBlushe. Fingers crossed it all works out well. Happy to share more for others! BlushBlushBlush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hi latchbrook, thanks for checking in!Blush

    Eventually I had 3 x courses of antibiotics but wound is now much better! I think it’s taken so long because of the area it is in! It gets sore if I wear tight clothes, work out etc but aside from that it’s great.

    I rang Dermatology about 2 weeks ago and they said they have the results back but are waiting for the consultant to dictate the letter. I should think the Xmas period has delayed it further. I am itching to know, but have learned I have a great deal of patience!! Haha!

    I hope you have had a lovely Xmas and you have a happy new year!!xxx

  • Hi

    Glad to hear that your wound is much better.

    Patience is certainly a great virtue when waiting for results, etc! I hope that the consultant and his secretary have both finished their Christmas holidays and your letter will be winging it's way to you shortly.

    I had a lovely Christmas thank you and I'm looking forward to celebrating the New Year.

    Happy New Year to you as well!


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