Newly Diagnosed BCC

  • 9 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Hello all, I’ve recently been told that I have a BCC on the top of my nose. At my first appt I was told that I would’ve scheduled for a biopsy to confirm, then most likely need MOHS surgery and reconstructive surgery. At the moment I’m waiting for the biopsy as having chased up I was told that BCC is classed as routine because it is low risk and normally it would be 6 - 8 weeks but at the moment the waiting time is 2 - 3 months. So it is a little scary wondering what the little bugger is up to in the meantime. Every time I look in the mirror I think ‘does it look bigger?’. Today my mind is really messing with me and after being all up beat and positive I have had a total melt down this morning and just feel really emotional so thought it might help to hear about the experiences of others. My main concerns are around the surgery? Is everything done on the same day or will it take place over a period on months? Has anyone had the MOHS surgery? I believe there is a chance of recurrence, has anyone experienced that? 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mcc65

    sorry to hear your having to wait for biopsy, my experience is that it is 2 week rule for bcc on nose, I have just had Mohs and a forehead flap surgery, had MOHs one day and the next day flap reconstruction and am getting it separated on Wednesday. I too was anxious as mine was an infiltrating bcc on the tip of the nose.

    I paid privately to see MOHs surgeon it was £200 and the best money I have spent he had me on nhs waiting list. I had my date within 9 weeks.

    Everyones Bcc journey is different as you will find as you look through threads on here.

    Im not going to lie it’s been difficult for last couple of months and my surgery was drastic for a small spot on my nose but to be Cancer free is the best feeling, MOHs is very successful with a high cure rate. 

    good Luck


  • FormerMember

    Hi mcc65,

    • I have recently gone through the same worries as you as I went to the dr back in April with a mark on my nose which they treated as impetigo. As it didn’t go I went back and was referred but my appointment took around 8 weeks to come through. When I rang to question the long wait I was told that bcc are not classed as urgent so the waiting list is long. From seeing the consultant for initial diagnosis to op date was another 12 or so weeks. I kept worrying about it growing as mine kept bleeding and crusting over. When I eventually went for my op I found out that I should have been referred for mohs due to it being on my nose and they amount they would have to remove. By this point I was so fed up and having psyched myself up for the op told them just to go ahead and get it out. Luckily the surgeon was fab and did what he could. I had a skin graft taken from my neck and it was all done under sedation as a day patient. Painwise it wasn’t too bad, but I’m still very self conscious about the graft on my nose as it looks odd at the moment. I may have to have further reconstructive surgery but I need to wait for this to heal and then we will see how it looks and functions. For a small spot, it’s a lot to take in but I’ve just had my results and he’s confident he got good marg8ns and all removed. I’ve read they can come back but I will deal with that if and when it happens. 
      I was told all along not to worry about the delay as they are very slow growing, easy for them to say but totally understandable that we want them out as soon as possible. 
      I hope you are able to get yours removed soon x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mcc65

    Sorry you're having to go through this journey, it's not nice! I can't comment on the nose area, but mine is under my eye. My surgerysurgery will be really soon. But in totally, mines been left after being fobbed off 4 years ago.

    I've handled it as well as can be expected I guess, until 3 weeks ago when I too had a total meltdown! Became a blubbering mess and am totally paranoid on how much its grown since the biopsy.  I knew it was a 9 month wait for the surgery! Horrified me! And that had a bad effect on me. 

    Thankfully I had another apmt with the registrar of my plastic surgeon a week Friday gone, who was shocked I was told this. I was also told I'd have to be wide awake, again the reg was shocked about this. As it was the wide awake thing that had me in the most mess! 

    Couldn't sleep, easy, think, function in the end... But thankfully he told me neither is the case! I'm on standby for surgery a day at a time, but by 6 & half weeks now, it'll all be over. That's what he said anyway!

    Since he told me that, I've been great, well, as much as is possible with this hanging over our heads!  But yeah, no more meltdowns, no more tears, and I'm hoping for that phone call each day I wake up! Cos of course I'm concerned about getting the cancer out ASAP. 

    I'll say this, knowing what they're going to have to do to me, if they called me in on Christmas eve, I'm already there! I wouldn't care if its Christmas day, and I've a feeling most would agree on that!

    I hope yours is done and dusted very soon too. Bit I'll follow your thread for updates.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Frankie, I did get my initial hospital appt within the two week timescale but I had been told the waiting time for the biopsy could be 2 - 3 months as they were behind. However, I've had a phone call today and they have given me an appointment at an additional clinic on Saturday so at least the ball will be rolling.

    I have to say it is a very strange experience - I know logically that if I'm going to get cancer then this is the 'one to get' and most of the time I can be totally positive and upbeat, but every so often it creeps up on me.

    Hope all goes well for your continued recovery.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Lordy Cat, you really have been through the mill with it all. Hope all goes well and you don't have too much longer to wait.

    I've had a stroke of luck today, the hospital are running a Saturday clinic so I will be getting my biopsy done this week so at least it will feel as though the ball is rolling.

    I have to say that it has been a very strange experience. I know that this is probably the least dangerous cancer but it is still an emotional timebomb. Most of the time I am completely logical about it all and very positive and upbeat, but every so often a complete meltdown sneaks up on me.

    As you say, it would be great for it all to be over.

    Good luck to you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello murphy1965,

    What a tale. I too have the crusty sore bit around the lesion. So very attractive!!!

    I've had a bit of luck, our local hospital are now running a Saturday clinic and had a call today giving me an appointment for the biopsy this Saturday so at least the ball will be rolling.

    It is a bit scary not knowing exactly what will happen, but I just need to suck it up and bide my time I guess, but some days that is easier than others.

    I'm trying now to do everything I possibly can to avoid a recurrence. I've never been much of a one for the sun as I'm very fair skinned and burn easily so sunbathing is just a waste of time. My kids have compared my to a vampire as I can't stand sunlight lol. I've been out and bought an SPF moisturiser rather than my normal Nivea and plan on buying lots of long sleeved blouses for next summer. Mind you, at least if they do recur I'll have something in common with Hugh Jackman lol.

    Hope the scars all settle down nicely and you won't need too much more treatment xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi mcc65,

    Great news to hear you’ve got an appointment so much sooner. I hope it goes well and like you say, first step nearly done then you’ll be on the list for surgery if necessary so fingers crossed that won’t be too long either. In the end I decided worrying wasn’t going to achieve anything and I’d only make myself miserable for weeks so I put it in my “on hold” box in my head and carried on with life.

    i hope everything goes smoothly for you x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Mcc65, great news about the biopsy!! The ball is definitely rolling now!

    I think it's awful that we have to wait so long though! This cancer is classed as non life threatening, but that shouldn't matter, because this cancer is very disfiguring for many of us who have it. And actually, it can be life threatening and they know it! 

    At the end of the day, cancer is cancer, it still scares and worries us. We still have to have surgery to remove it!

    I said to the registrar 2 weeks ago in his clinic, after I told him about the 4 year misdiagnosis,

    "If I was your mother sitting here, and she had to have done what you've got to do to me...what would you do? Would you tell her she'd have a 9 month wait and be awake for the surgery?!!"

    He looked away and Nevern spoke, I said,

    "Yeah, my sentiments exactly! Cos you wouldn't!"

    Then he said he needed to see the consultant about it, and I said,

    "Had you told me I was going to be awake, I'd havehave told the consultant...

    "If I snuff it on that operating table, with my heart conditions, due to fear giving me a heart attack, it's on him!"

    Then I added, 

    "And you tell him I said that too, when you do in there!"

    And of course, said with absolute ice cold conviction and every word meant... He kinda went a bit white. lolol 

    Sometimes we have to stand up and be counted, and make our words heard!!!!!  Sometimes we are our own worst enemys' when we fight for others, but don't fight for ourselves. We'll make your voice heard and be counted!

    Well, we ALL matter don't we?! Of course we do!

    So if any of you feel you're not being seen to as quickly as you could be, use your voice! Because had I not gone to my GP and used mine, I bet I would NOT have been told it'll only be 8 weeks and not 9 months!!!

    This is not a negative post by the way! This is a positive one! Stuck out tongue winking eye lol lol, Honest!

    But yes, it's GREAT that you're being sorted soon!!! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You are SO right!

    But it's only since I was told I'll be going in soon I was able to think this way! lol

    But the relief is immense isn't it!! 
