Private or NHS?

  • 22 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Not sure if my previous post went! So posting again..

Saw my gp last week about a stye, and while looking at my eye, she noticed a small BCC  situated between my eye and corner of nose.

I asked her about going private, and she said it was up to me..but that she would advise me just to wait a month approx for Nhs appointment. She said, if it was her mother, she would tell her that. (However she mentioned also that I might have less of a scar with MOHS treatment.

Anyway I just decided to make an appointment with a private guy who specialises in Mohs surgery..even though it will cost me, and have an appointment to see him on monday.I am worried because it is on my face.

Has anyone got any private versus nhs?

Thanks everyone.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    all went well with my op, flap was basically my forehead was cut and twisted to cover my nose after cancer was cut out my bcc was on the tip septum and effected a nostril.

    the flap has been cut off so I now am left with a large scar from in my hair line which after 4 weeks is fading fast, I have a scar from my eyebrow right down to corner of eye, and across bottom just under bridge 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hope you can see pictures and can see were they took skin to make my new nose once all this is healed you will hardly see the scars look how good forehead is after four weeks 

    good luck for Monday Frankie1

    (photo removed by admin)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Magic59

    hope your ok, all went well thanks am very sore but really pleased with outcome, think once scars settle I will be fine

    love Frankie1 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks so much !,,yes I am anxious and have another problem as the stye with pus filled pimple which is now being treated with antibiotics...I’m praying it will be sorted before next wed. Or I may have to cancel/postpone the surgery.   Nightmare.  If I am to have an open wound then I don’t want any infection left in the style,,!

    Then again if I hadn’t gone to see the go with a stye. Then she wouldn’t have found the bcc!       I hope you are ok yourself.  As I can’t remember your original post?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Frankie 1! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Samcaroledorothy, Hope it gets sorted out in time for you, the waiting is the worst part, you will feel so relieved when you finally get it done. I am ok thank you, ( I’ve posted a few times lol so probably my original post lost by now) I had a BCC on my nose tip that had been there looking at pics about 3 years so was going out of my mind tbh. But all went well scar is good. I still need regular check ups (but 6 monthly now) as margins were very narrow. Been treated with Aldara cream for BCC on my arm and just been given the all clear on that one so alls good. Good luck xx

    Im so pleased for you Frankie 1 that all’s gone well xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Magic59

    Thats good that you seem to be past the worst.  Do you find that you are starting to relax a bit mentally ?

    I seem to be all consumed with this at the moment (and have a business to run with my husband and daughter...I usually share reception with my daughter but dont think i will be facing people for quite a few weeks!

    I guess I am happy that they seem to have caught it early, but being a bit of a worrier it may be awhile before I can relax..and a bit scared about what I will look like afterwards, and how long the wound will take to heal by secondary intention. Oh well, be brave!

    How big was your bcc? Three years is quite some time..did it grow in that time?

    best wishes

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi samcaroledorothy, I too am a worrier and honestly I was even dreaming about it I was so consumed with it! So I know exactly how you feel. I am so relaxed now I can’t believe it myself lol and I honestly think you will feel a great sense of relief when it’s done.

    My wound was on the underside of the tip of my nose ( I thought it was a spot it was just a white spit and yes it grew slightly) so I had to have a couple of stitches to hold the bottom together if you get what I mean. The top was left open to heal itself and I couldn’t believe how quickly it healed, I’m sure you will see a difference from one day to the next. 
    Let ne know how you get on... and word of advice stay off google, I drove myself crackers with it lol xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    oh, thanks for your reassuring words(smile)....YES  YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT GOOGLE..all the horror stories..we like to know what we are dealing with, but theres also..too much information!  Will let you know how it goes..take care.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Magic59   Thought id give you an update. I attended the private hospital in Glasgow, wed evening. Was pretty anxious, but a really nice Glasgow nurse put me at ease and told me I was in good hands with Dr Herd.

    He removed the Bcc close to my eye..the procedure wasnt exactly pleasant...but not that bad! injection not any worse than the dentist!

    The nurse showed me the little  bit in the specimen container..about the size of a sunflower seed.with flesh coming off it..euk! Didnt sleep that night but made up for it the night after(last night).

    It is to heal by secondary intention, so open to the air, using antibiotic cream. have some bruising on upper eyelid, and a slight wattery eye...but the wound is less than the size of a 5 pence piece so not too bad. He said he was hoping to get it all out at that appointment, but I have to wait two weeks for results, and if not then it would be Mohs fingers crossed. Hope all is well with you.