Infiltrative Basal Cell

  • 27 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi, I thought I understood BCC but have just been reading that infiltrative, the type of BCC I have, can spread. I am feeling more concerned now. I would really appreciate  hearing from anyone wirh this type of basal. Thanks


  • FormerMember

    It's so scary unfortunately I don't know much about this type of bcc I'm pretty sure they are still slow growing.  I'm not sure what type mine is but from looking at pictures I'm guessing nodular I'm seeing a dermatologist today

  • FormerMember


    I was told nodular and infiltrative ? due to have removed at St Thomas on 24th august just want to get it over with I have waited a long time as transferred from local hospital to London hosp for Mohs. My one is just above my lip, all very scary. Good luck hope all goes well

  • Hi 

    I had an infiltrative bcc removed from the side of my nose last year.  I had MOHs surgery for this and had to have a skin graft from cheek.  I was told it was a nasty bcc. I felt pretty sorry for myself following the surgery but one year on I am totally fine.  Yes you can still see the scar faintly but this can be covered with a good concealer.  I was told to use a high factor sun cream and to wear a hat when in the sun.  

    Best wishes

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sunny15

    Hi All

    MOHs surgery getting closer 24th august. BSC very sore lately so keen to get it removed but dreading it all. Particularly concerned about how it will look afer surgery as currently working. I have been told they will try for a straight closure but maybe a flap depending on the outcome. have done the worst thing and looked on intra-net where there are many horror stories and pictures.

    Good luck to everyone going through the same ( and worse)

    I am feeling very tired but I think this maybe the stress of it all

    best wishes

    Dartford girl x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I had to have 1cm. of my lower eyelid removed for a nodular bcc just before Christmas and I felt anything but brave, the days before the op. were the worst.

    Mine was a simple excision but I was offered sedation and was so glad I had this as I felt no pain at all.

    I know that Mohs can take longer, so I don't know if this is an option, but I would definitely ask if there is anything that can be given to help you relax.

    The scar is virtually invisible now and I had no problems with infection, the only downer is that the "good" eye still has all the old wrinkles!

    You will be in my thoughts,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ottie

    I am pleased you have recovered well as I am sure it must have been very worrying so close to your eye. Wont be long for me so fingers closed all goes well. I will ask for sedation as I am getting in a bit of a panic

    Thanks for your reply

  • FormerMember

    I have just been diagnosed with an infiltrative basal cell carcinoma on my nose. My doctor has said I will need to have surgery. I am just looking on the Internet and this discussion page came up. How did you go with your surgery and results?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi dartfordgirl

    How did your surgery go? I'm an Australian in my 50s who did too much sun baking in her teens and am now suffering the consequences. I have just been diagnosed with an infiltrative bcc and require surgery in the new year 2018. I was just hoping to talk with people who have been through a similar experience so I know what to expect as I'm very nervous about the whole procedure.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Fred4. I'm in a similar situation. Just diagnosed with BCC on my medial canthus, which is in the nose/eye area. I'm new in my journey, just getting in for consultation this week. I've been referred to a dermatologist and plastic surgeon. For me, the waiting is the hardest part. I'm 35 with a family history of BCC. Good luck and stay strong!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Willow82

    Yes, I too have a family history of bcc and scc skin cancer. My father now has a metastatic melanoma and his treatment is palliative because of his age and health.  I have done some research and I am going to make an appointment to have a consultation for MOHs surgery as the infiltrative type has a high risk of recurrence and  I need the least intrusive procedure because of its position on the tip of my nose.  I have to travel over 1000km to see these specialists. Best wishes for your journey ahead.