Good evening,
I’ve joined this group as I had a biopsy yesterday on my nose and I’ve been told it’s Basel cell carcinoma. The consultant said it will require Mohs surgery and a skin graft from my collarbone. The actual results will take a few weeks, but I have already been told what will take place, so looking pretty certain. I’ve made the mistake of researching online, which has made me feel even more worried about the prospect of face surgery and skin grafting, in addition to processing the fact it’s cancer on my nose.
I’ve joined the group to hopefully connect with others to help me get through this difficult period. Sending positive thoughts and light to all those facing challenges too.
Hi Blueskies again. I understand fully how you feel, having gone through 2 bcc operations on my nose and under the top of my eye, 2 years ago. They seemed to appear from nowhere. The one at the side of my nose was operated on by a plastis surgeon and that one was done with a skin flap surgery. The other, done by the same Consultant was done a few months later by skin graft surgery. Both done under local in a very calm and relaxed atmsophere. I am not a sun worshipper, never used a sun bed and was 73. I didnt have Mohs surgery as my Consultant was sure he could do it without me having it done that way, by taking a wide margin on each one. The one under my eye right up as far as my tear duct was done with skin graft surgery, the graft being taken from the side of my face right by my ear. This was was perhaps the worst in terms of healing as it formed a huge scab which I had to vaseline off after the dressing and stitches were removed and looked more unsightly, but I was assured all would be well in time, and it is. They have both healed brilliantly and if you didnt know, you wouldn't know I had had surgery on my face. I was very anxious, couldn't sleep and so worried, but joined this site and the people were amazing. A few of us were going through the same operations at the same time and supported one another, which I am sure you will find out too. Try not to worry too much bcc's are nasty but not life threatening and you will be ok and get over it. Where abouts on yourt nose is the bcc. Mine was at the bottom by the fleshy bit and going onto my face. He cut down my facial line for the skin flap so when it healed you couldnt tell at al as it matched the facial line the other side. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions you are worried about ad I will try and help you. Where will you be having the surgery done. xx
Hello Harlyn, thank you for the reply. I’d never even heard of basel cell carcinoma until recently and so many are affected by it. It’s good to hear yours have healed well. I’ve looked at far too many gory pictures online! Mine are small lumps on the end of my nose spaced out, which I’ve been told is likely to be one larger lump, so it sounds like a large area will have to be removed.
I don’t know surgery details as yet, as only had biopsy yesterday, but I’ve already been told what surgery I’ll need! Even the biopsy was difficult- I now have black stitches in my nose and a dressing on. I’ve felt very upset, so not sure how I’ll be when I get to the proper surgery! Like you, I’ve never been a big sunbather and have always worn sunscreen! I’m in my forties, have two busy children and have a physical, customer facing job and how life is going to work is a concern!
Generally I’m a positive, optimistic person, but this is really testing me! X
Hi blueskies again. I know it is hard, but please try and not worry too much. Basal cell cancers are the best to have, if you have to have any my Consultant told me. The biopsy stitches are always bigger and seem really bad BUT when you have the skin graft the stitches are tiny. If you make me a friend on this site I will send you some pics of me before and after and hope it reassures you. I was lucky I was retired and it was the end of Covid so could wear a mask. I did say to my husband had I still been at work I would have had to take a few weeks off, one because of infection and another as I looked not too good. Where do you live and what hospital will you be having the procedure done at. x
Hey Bluesliesagain - I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sucks dont it, You aren’t alone though. I too was told I have BCC last week and I have an appointment at the hospital on Thursday to have-some pictures taken of the mole I have on my upper cheek underneath my right eye. I’m sure you are as worried as am I but keep strong. I’m pleased that you went to the doctors in the first place about it. Thank you for your positive thoughts and light, sending fright back at you. Please keep us updated.
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