Bcc on my back

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi I have recently had a mole on my back removed and was fast tracked from my surgery.I received my results this week and it was Basel cell carcinoma but said it had been all removed. My concern is that I have more moles on my back in the same area and what the chance these may be the same.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the group which I hope you'll find is an informative and supportive place to be.

    It's natural to worry that other moles on your back might also be basal cell carcinoma. Do you have a follow-up appointment with the dermatology team at the hospital? If so, you could ask the dermatologist to give you a once over to make sure that every else looks okay.

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  • Thank you . I don’t have an appointment as yet but the results were only sent last week but says they will send a follow up appointment.my back is still sore and healing. Due to the place it is I was advised not to lift carry or twist for a month. I am relieved that they agreed to remove as the first doctor didn’t examine me and took one look and said discharge. I said I wanted it removed and she said I would need to do it privately. I asked how much and she didn’t know . Luckily her higher up came in and took one look and said remove. The other doctor then turned to me and said you’re lucky. Unfortunately she is the named doctor so I don’t feel I can make a complaint. It just makes me think how many patients are turned away.