Potential Skin Cancer Diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi, I was just looking to see if anyone has any similar experience of what I have at the moment? I'm a 46yr old female, not really much of a sun worshipper and the lump on my scalp is not on a parting line, so under my dark hair. 

I visited my GP about 5 weeks ago with a suspicious looking lump on my scalp. His opinion was it looked like a BCC, sunken centre with a growth in the middle and rolled edges, he put in a referral along with sending me for some medical imaging pics to accompany the referral. Derm have the referral and have it under urgent and i'll be seen in due course which is fine. In 1.5 weeks it grew out the way of my scalp very quickly and on googling it looked like a cutaneous horn, when I was drying my hair I knocked it off which left a sunken middle, bit bloody and messy on the edges. I visited the GP just to update him and show him pics, he then said it did look llke a cutaneous horn which made him think it was more an SCC and was just going to send an updated note to the derm but it probably wouldn't speed up anything, again this is fine by me as I know how stretched services are. He looked back at the first pics again and said from the first ones he's convinced it's BCC until it grew this horn very quickly. It now looks like it's healing quite well and is very small compared to what it was which is a bit confusing.

Just wondering if anyone has anything similar that's happened and that its just healed and went away or has turned out to be skin cancer despite it looking like it's healing? 

Thanks in advance, 

  • Hi LLB  I have had two bcc's on my face and had them operated on.  My husband had a cutaneous horn on his cheek.  It looked horrendous and was just like a horn. The plastic surgeon I saw operated on this for him and removed it as he said they can become nasty if left as they become scc's.  It may look like it is healing but think they may remove some skin from around it to make sure wide margins are left with healthy skin.  Good luck and hope all goes well for you x

  • Hi, i'm sorry to hear both you and your husband have dealt with these issues and thank you for replying. Mine is now off as I caught it with my brush so I don't need to worry about how it looks at the moment as it's under my hair which is good at least, It just feels really strange that the GP is convinced it's BCC, if not SCC and at the moment it looks like it's healing after the growth coming off! Mine was certainly cone like but quite wide and fat, had it been left it may have grown more into a pointed horn however...unless it starts to grow again obviously! Thanks again and hope you are both well x