Face treatment with efudix

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Am I able to still have my roots dyed tomorrow now I’m on day 2 of applying efudix to my whole face. Many thanks 

  • Hi Julesy512  If it was me I would definitely not have your hair dyed, but then I am very over cautious since having 2 skin cancers removed.  My huibby has just finished his efudix treatment and fortunately it has worked well, but his face was a scabby nasty mess during it.  I think however careful your hairdresser will be there is a chance of getting this onto your face and the cream will be working at burning the area off.  It is your personal choice as I say I am very cautious now. I never change my make up or skin creams at all, just use what my face is used to.  Good Luck with the treatment and hope it works for you as it did for my hubby.  Think this cream works well on the face and not so well on the body xx

  • Hi Julesy512

    I've had effudix treatment on my face and I definitely wouldn't get my hair dyed at the same time... if you're really unsure you could check with your dermatologist and hairdresser.....  getting your hair done could be something you can look forward to once your treatments over perhaps?  A bit of a confidence boost 

  • Thank you for this. I asked my GP this morning and he said as long as I form a barrier around my hair line, there’s no reason not to. Think I’ll chance it

  • I would like to add that although the treatment was uncomfortable it did work

  • That’s excellent news x