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I have recently (Monday 19th August) been diagnosed with a 3cm long nodular and infiltrative BCC on the right side of my nose. I live alone and have no family in this country; my head is a mess but also feels empty!!!! is this 'normal'?

  • Thank you for the reassurance. im so pleased it all went well. I dont know what to do as the waiting lists on the nhs seem so long. I dont know how much it would be to go private. I dont have any savings. Im still whirling it around in my head. Xx

  • Just wait and see how long you have to wait.  My gp was sending me on the 2 week cancer referral scheme, but I told him I would deal with it myself privately.  My Consultant did say you are often seen quickly for your first appointment and then put on a waiting list to have it done.  It also depends what the lists are like in your area.  Where abouts do you live xx

  • I live in wales. Our waiting lists are not great. I think I’m going to make an appointment to discuss options with my gp. Go from there x

  • Hi I’m in north wales and I was sorted quickly - surgery was skin graft to forehead. Was around 5 weeks from biopsy but would have been quicker if I wasn’t gouging holiday. Worth checking how long you need to wait.

  • I had malignant melanoma on my ear 2017, which was efficiently dealt with.

    Late 2021 I had a lesson on upper left cheek that wouldn't heal. I was slow in getting it looked at, i thought it was reaction to skin care/glasses, anything but skin cancer. Forced by my beauty (lol) therapist I got it looked at. Fast tracked confirm bcc.

    9 months later saw consultant. Mohs surgery and plastic surgeon for repair.

    I'm still waiting for a date. The bcc has despite being told grows very slowly has quadrupled in size. It's very sore same as others weeps crusts bleeds.

    I called the team monthly to ask about date, I've sent photo update, and I've had a letter from plastic surgeon to say, short of a plastic skin cancer surgeon and trust won't get another.

    So I wait. Anxious yes. Fearfully of the look after surgery, now it's grown, worry about crying in surgery and after (I do a lot of that) worry about placing glasses after, worry and yet I know it's not life threatening. At 67 it shouldn't be no big deal, people have far worse to deal with, but it seems so short sighted, what could have been sorted quickly is now going to take more surgical time. 

    Thank you to all on the forum it really has been encouraging to know, I'm not alone. I will have to travel 50 miles to surgery local hospital don't do mohs, then two days later go back for plastic under general. What strange service we now receive from nhs. 

  • Hi indoor girl. I’m sorry you have had to wait so long, I wondered if there is any way you might be able to seek private medical care? I know there are options to work out a payment plan for private medical care. Maybe talk to your gp about your options. That’s what I’m planning on doing xx

  • Thank you but it still has to be paid for and I don't have any spare funds. I did enquire, apparently I would have to go to London or cambs for mohs surgery £8k that's without the plastics. Nhs may be broken, but I did not break it. Apart from birth 2 children and surgery melanoma I have been fortunate to have had good health, working full time since I was 15.

    You're lucky to be going private,  I suggest you go early when it can be done quickly and without further growth/damage.