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Hi I was diagnosed with ak on one side of my forehead which I treated with efudix last Wednesday I was diagnosed with BCC on the other side by my dermatology they say the wait can be 6 to 8 months to remove it is anyone else having to wait this long I'm a bit concerned 

  • I was diagnosed with BCC on my cheek on Tuesday. I’ve decided to go private to have it removed. It’s booked in for 24th September. Was told 7-8 month wait on NHS. Worried about the scar on my face as difficult to hide. 

  • Hi I have had 2 nasty Bcc's removed from my face, like you I had them done privately.  Don't worry too much about scarring.  I was so upset when I first saw mine, but people tell me now they can't tell I have had anything done,  Healed beautifully.  Is a plastic surgeon doing them for you.  Where are you having them done.  Leep in touch and here if you need to anything xx

  • Thank you for the reply. I’m having it done at Park Hill hospital in Doncaster. I’m a headteacher in a primary school and I’m worried I’m going to frighten all my little ones! Dermatology doing the op x 

  • You will be fine.  Are they doing skin graft or just excising it  One of mine was skin flap and other skin graft possibly why I had plastic surgeon.  They may just cut yours out and stitch, which is what they did with my husbands and just a few stitches.  It mingles in with his other facial wrinkles !!! Here if you need any advice xx

  • Thank you Relaxed️ appreciate that. It’s been a scary couple of days. Dermatologist said possible skin graft but no mention of plastic surgery. Have yours all been resolved? Dermatologist said would need annual chAnguishedk ups as likely to get further BCC’s. All very scary Anguished xx

  • Yes mine have been resolved.  I had one which was diagnosed with the dermascope as bcc and whilst I was there I asked him to check a tiny scab on the top of my nose by my eye as thought glasses has rubbed me.  Was inconclusive on dermascope so he did biopsy whilst doing first operation,  Came back as bcc so had skin graft on that one.  He told me too that once you have had one you are more likely to get others (great eh). so me having two has made me very cautious and always checking my face.  I have to use Factor 50 facial sun cream every day, even when putting the washing out.  I was surprised and very worried (like you are) as never a sun worshipper, never used a sun bed and always used sun cream, but not factor 50.  He did say they are age related too, and I am 75.  I did want a yearly check up, but he said he felt both me and hubby were on the ball type of people and if I thought anything looked suspicious, just contact his secretary and he would see me. The one at top of nose, near my eye, was the one that caused me so much heartache as the skin graft went very scabby and we thought it hadn't taken, but it just was takingh longer to heal and is fine now.  People say "only" a skin cancer, but they are very worrying and the "C" word has been used.  Take care and you will be fine.

  • Like you, I was surprised by BCC as very careful in sun, wear SPF50 on my face every day in summer, don’t use sunbeds. My surgeon said it’s often historical damage ie from childhood because they take so long to develop. My aunt was told the same about her BCC.

  • Hi Sarah Ann. My GP did an urgent 2-week referral for my BCC but didn’t seem to make much difference - I phoned the hospital when I hadn’t heard anything and they had a 4-6 week waiting list for initial appointment. Seems to be a national problem but worse in some areas. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been told it will be such a long wait but I hope you can take comfort in the fact that they are very slow to grow - I waited more than a year before going to my GP because initially I just thought it was a bad spot and then kind of got used to it.