Waiting times

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This is my first post.

I was diagnosed by my GP with bcc on my nose ( which I've had for two years) and chest on May 24th 2024. I chased up the referral on the 17th June as advised, to be told that I am in the queue.

I chased it up again via my GP surgery on the 29th of July only to be told that I am still in the queue.

I asked if I could have the number for the department so that I could deal with them directly, but she couldn't give me a number and said they would be in touch.

I still haven't heard anything.

I'm not even sure which hospital I am being referred to, but I did ask for the Royal South Hants rather than Southampton General Hospital - too many bad experiences there.

Does anyone know what the waiting times are for the Royal South Hants in Southampton please? And would I get anywhere if I phoned them directly?

I haven't felt anxious about the bcc, but with the waiting it is starting to play on my mind.

Thanks in advance

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It sounds like your GP's surgery aren't being super helpful at the moment. If they know that you are "in the queue" then they must know which hospital they've referred you to.

    I'd be inclined to ring them tomorrow and ask which hospital you've been referred to and also which department, although it'll probably be dermatology. Armed with that you could then ring the hospital and ask to be put through to the appointments clerk of that department. They'll be able to see where you are in the system.

    To try and get seen quicker you could ask to be put on the cancellation list, if you're able to take an appointment at short notice. 

    Let me know how you get on.

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