Squamous Cell Carcinoma caused by HPV

  • 1 reply
  • 35 subscribers

Earlier this year, in March, I discovered a small nodule on the inside of my butt cheek near my vaginal opening. Worried, I visited my primary care provider, who referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist performed a shave biopsy, and two weeks later, I received a call informing me that it was grade 2 squamous cell carcinoma.

I was promptly scheduled for an excision to ensure clean margins. During my consultation, I asked the dermatologist how a spot not exposed to the sun could develop skin cancer. She explained that it was caused by warts from the HPV virus. This was unexpected news to me, as I had never heard of HPV leading to skin cancer. She then asked about my last Pap smear, and I realized I was overdue for one.

Following her advice, I scheduled a Pap smear, and during the examination, my gynecologist found another lesion on my vulva. Given my medical history, she decided to adopt an aggressive approach to ensure nothing was overlooked. I am now set for another biopsy in two weeks. This new lesion is white and has a cauliflower-like appearance.

Facing these health challenges has been daunting, but I remain hopeful and committed to taking control of my health. By sharing my story, I hope to raise awareness and connect with others who may be experiencing similar issues. Any advice or shared experiences would be immensely helpful as I continue on this journey.

  • Hi  

    I know that you originally posted this in the vulva cancer forum and, as my friend  has mentioned, that would probably be the best place to connect with others who have the same type of cancer as you.

    As Sarah said "squamous cell carcinoma is just a description used to describe a type of cancer which starts in skin cells but not something which is in your case connected to sun exposure......it is a direct result of having the hpv virus in your system."

    Wishing you all the best for your biopsy


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