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I was diagnosed with Bcc this week, I have 2 lesions, one on my neck and one on my collarbone, it was a big shock to find out it was skin cancer as I thought they were cysts. I was upset but now don’t feel as though I can validate my feelings of being sad, scared and paranoid because people are telling me ‘it’s fine, they can just be removed’. I have no treatment plan as yet so I’m not 100% sure but that probably will be the case. Did anyone else feel this way at first or should I just think the same way as others, that it’s not really a big deal? 

Thank you x

  • Hi JBay  Yes I can understand your shock at being diagnosed with skin cancer, and in the bigger picture they are ones that can be cured BUT you have just been given a cancer diagnosis.  I was just the same, sleepless nights, tearful and people don't understand how you are feeling as they think skin cancer is trivial.  Mine were two years ago now and I had skin flap surgery for one and a skin graft for the other.  I saw a dermatologist first and then he referred me to a plastic surgeon as both mine were on my face.  The journey was unpleasant and more tears, BUT I am fine now and the scars are minimal.  Please keep in touch and I will guide you through things as soon as you know what your treatment plan is going to be  Don't be afraid to reach out on this site to people who have been through the same thing.  I found it so helpful during my journey.  Good luck x

  • Hi Harlyn,

    Thank you soo much for your response, it’s lovely to speak to someone who completely understands and now you have reassured me that the horrible feelings I have right now can be validated. I feel I am actually allowed to feel like this now. I’m so glad you’re doing well and I’m sure I will have a good outcome too. It’s just good to there are people who understand. I will let you know when my treatment plan is in place. It would be lovely to have some guidance through my journey. 

    Thanks so much

    J xx

  • Ji JBay,

    How are you doing now?

    I also got diagnosed a few days ago... Well, they are not 100% sure yet, but I'm waiting for the results of a biopsy. They were pretty sure already though. I'm still in denial a little bit but cannot seem to concentrate on something else.

    Do you have a treatment plan already? I will hear more in 9 days. Your feelings are totally valid, I feel the same way. But yes, people try and comfort by saying it is not a big deal. You will have a positive outcome so that's good, but it's still a shock that there are bad cells growing. 

  • Hi TSLIL,

    I’ve spoken to my manager and a good friend at work and they were really supportive and told me to stop saying ‘only’ skin cancer when I told them my diagnosis. As you said, it’s still a shock to find there are bad cells growing. I’m feeling a bit better though thank you. I still don’t have a treatment plan, I have an appointment at the hospital next week so fingers crossed something will be put in place then. 

    I completely understand how you feel about not being able to concentrate, make sure you talk to your friends and family about how you feel, and of course this community.

    Thank you for replying to my post, hopefully you’ll find out very soon what your next steps will be. Good luck 

    Take care

    J x

  • Hi JBay,

    I just wondered how you're doing and how you're feeling now? So sorry you've had to deal with this. 

    I was told last week that I have BCC on my nose, although waiting biopsy results it's pretty certain. And also looking at a couple of other lesions. 

    I said to my husband I feel really weird about it. I don't think I'm letting myself fully feel my true emotions because it is 'only skin cancer', and not seen as serious as others. 

    Just wondered how you talked to family and friends about it and how you are doing now through treatment.  

    Thank you 

    Best wishes x