Waiting Time Suspected BCC

  • 5 replies
  • 35 subscribers

In March 2024 I was given an urgent referral to dermatology to see a consultant with a suspected BCC on forehead.

I have since been advised that the waiting list for this consultant appointment is currently at 3 years. I live in Belfast, NI.  

Of course this is quite alarming. I am wondering if others have had such a wait, if this had any impact on treatment, and if anyone has any tips/guidance about navigating this? It’s a lot to process!

thank you. 

  • Hi  and welcome to the skin cancer forum.

    Three years does sound like a very long time to wait for an appointment and, in your position, I'd certainly be phoning the hospital to see if this information is correct. If it is, you could ask to be put on a cancellation list. 

    Another option would be to pay to have it looked at at a private hospital. Initial consultations are usually around £200 in England.

    Let me know how you get on 

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  • Hi Latchbrook

    thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. 

    The hospital confirmed that the waiting list for urgent dermatology referrals is indeed 3years in Belfast. I will certainly call them again however to enquire about the cancellation list, as well as look into the private route. 

  • Morning Ophelia  I cant believe a waiting time of 3 years, that is disgraceful.  I had 2 bcc's dealt with by skin graft and skin flap 2 years ago privately.  The waiting list for NHS wasnt that long then, but decided to go down the private route as needed plastic surgery.  Couldn't fault the treatment I received, although at times I thought I would never look "normal" again, but I did.  Hope you are able to get it done privately as no way should you have to wait 3 years.  The Surgeon couldnt believe how one of mine had grown in a matter of 3 months, so 3 years is unacceptable.  Good Luck, am here if you need any further help.

  • Thank you Harlyn for the reply, and for sharing a little of your journey. I found it very helpful. 

    I am quite anxious about what i have ahead of me. Just by looking at the lesion on my own head I do feel it’s become more prominent and increased in size a little in the three months since I was referred. It’s also quite itchy, and bleeds easily.
    I understand BCC are slow growing, however admittedly I am also concerned that waiting such a long time for an appointment will only increase the likelihood of it being a bigger surgery, with potentially a higher chance that I will have more prominent/visible scarring. 

    I am so glad to hear that you have come through the other end and are happy with the outcome. I think I will have little choice other than to look into going private, which is something I really hoped I wouldn’t have to do. 

  • Hi Ophelia  Having read your comments of your lesion bleeiding and itching I would seek attention asap.  My Consultants first questions were does it bleed, itch, and mine did, the top kept coming off, and that is not a good sign.  It is disgraceful having to wait this long.  If you need plastic surgery too after dermo team see it, that will be another long wait.  Try and go privately if you posibbly can.  Here for you if you need help. xx