SCC Failed skin graft

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Good afternoon.

I was diagnosed with SCC left temple early March and scheduled for excision with full thickness skin graft taken from left clavicle.

surgery went well and skin graft healed. Two weeks later l was informed that the biopsy results showed that some cancer remained.

I underwent a second excision this time removing some muscle and fascia much deeper, again with a full thickness skin graft from right clavicle.

The skin graft failed and on removing dressings after a week was necrotic, black in colour and smelly.

Surgeon inspected wound and agreed the skin graft had failed but the wound site would continue to heal from below.

It’s now two months since my second excision and the skin graft has not fully healed.

I have an appointment in two weeks to discuss radiotherapy but I am worried that,  as my wound is not healing the radiotherapy will not be a good outcome as far as healing. Have I any options other than radiotherapy due to my poor healing issue?

I have type2 diabetes so that may explain the poor healing.

I also have prostate cancer  Gleason 7 (3+4) no metastasis at present. I’m due for an annual MRI in August and am dreading any further progress with the cancer as I have a very low PSA, so not an indicator of my cancer progress or otherwise.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the skin cancer forum.

    It sounds like you're going through an incredibly tough time at the moment and I can totally understand you wanting to see if anyone here has had treatment other than radiotherapy for SCC.

    I'm afraid I can't share any experiences of other treatment with you as I haven't had that type of skin cancer, but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list again.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

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  • Thanks latchbrook, I have now completed my profile with a brief synopsis of my issues with cancers. I’m unsure if radiotherapy is a good option for me having poor healing issues, possibly made worse with my type2 diabetes.

  • My partner had a wide excision in January with clear margins due to SCC. Most of the top of his head was taken down to the bone then grafted from his thigh.   The graft didn’t take and 3 weeks later the cancer had started to spread across his forehead   It’s  now all across forehead and the left side of his face.   He’s had chemo which was stopped after one treatment, then radiotherapy which was gruelling then more chemo which again was stopped after only one.   They say there’s no further treatment but I’m fighting his corner in every way possible .   I’ve changed him to a different Trust in the hope of at least completing the chemo.   It’s disfigured his face and is truly heartbreaking to see him go through so much. He can’t have immunotherapy as he is a kidney transplant patient. 

  • So sorry to hear of the outcome. I had a SCC on left temple. Spindle cell and was told it was aggressive. After a failed excision I received a message that the second excision which was much deeper and removed some muscle,  was a success. The full thickness skin graft taken from my shoulder area failed. I have now completed four weeks of radiotherapy 55gy in 20 sessions. My wound  area is weepy , sore and infected so I’m on 1000mg four times daily of Flucloxacillin. It just seems that it’s one setback after another but persevering and a positive outlook is essential. Don’t give up on your fight for continuing treatment.

  • Hello thank you for that. I know exactly what you’re going through. Although yours is bad  mikes is a lot more advanced than yours   He has an appt now with another oncologist on Friday for another opinion so I’m praying for some good news.  Stay positive and we wish you all the very best x

  • GillyP

    Certainly much worse than my SCC. It’s when you have seen others on the cancer pathway in much worse condition it puts your worries in perspective. During my radiotherapy sessions I have witnessed some advanced stages but in general they have mostly remained positive with a wicked sense of humour. I do hope another opinion will yield a better solution and outcome.

    Give your partner a big hug and let him know he’s not fighting this alone. I and others on this forum are with him every step.