BCC Of the Breast

  • 1 reply
  • 35 subscribers

Diagnosed today with what hospital believes is BCC of the breast. Haven't been topless sunbathing haha but have had approx 80 xrays In the last 15 years of that side of my body due to another condition and they said the radiation from those could be the cause.

Not sure what happens now. Is bcc on the breast the same as breast cancer? Does it involve a mastectomy? Was just told to wait for an appointment hopefully within 2 weeks but left feeling worried obviously and confused.

  • So sorry to read your post, at the moment take one day at a time, try not to run away with your thoughts (easy for me to say) let hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you, 

    wishing you well, with health and happiness going forward, we are all here for you, let us know how your getting on 

    hugs PrayRainbowPrayRainbow