Mole biopsy result

  • 3 replies
  • 33 subscribers


Had a mole biopsy on 3rd and they told me results would take 5-6 weeks. Got a letter yesterday with an appointment with a dermatology clinical nurse specialist on 10th June. I am thinking that it was all clear they wouldn’t get me in for an appointment and just tell me in a letter. Lost my husband in sept 21 after a long hard battle with prostrate then bowel cancer and going to hospital just brings back so many bad memories.

Really worried about what is ahead

  • First of all take someone with you. I'm afraid I had a very bad experience due to poor handling (lack of communication was a major issue) of my situation with the hospital (which they admitted in a later meeting)  and I so wish I'd had someone there with me. If you look at my profile I've written quite alot. BUT although the diagnosis was malignant melanoma I went on to have successful plastic surgery on my face in November 2023 and it hadn't spread so I'm having ultrasound scans every 3 months on my neck area but no other treatment. I lost my husband in the same hospital 8 years ago due to Sepsis and that of course added to my whole anxiety. I hope you have good news.   

  • FormerMember

    Sorry you had such a bad experience. My daughter is coming with me. Just wishing the days over until I can find out what I have to face. The anxiety going back to the hospital is hard isn’t it xx

  • Glad she's coming with you. One of mine came to Christies and it really helped as well as actually being there she made notes as quite honestly I struggled to take it all in. But the consultant and nurse were fabulous - so patient, not rushing and Christies complementary therapy got in touch the next day and helped alot with my anxieties. So when it came to the surgery and having to stay in overnight I was much more confident and all went well. Please let us know how you get on.