Anxious and worried!

  • 3 replies
  • 35 subscribers

I have had a spot on my back for a few months and I am now really worried it’s a BCC or a Squamous CC. It seems to have grown bigger over the last week. It was bleeding a little but it is not healing. 
I am feeling very anxious. I had a BCC four years ago and had it removed privately. 
I can’t get a private appointment for two months and have made an appointment with my GP to see if the NHS is any better!

Any advice would be much appreciated!!

  • Hi Jacquiw10  I dont thibk the NHS wait will be good I have heard people waiting 2 years at ther moment for treatment.  I had mine done privstely and that was 2 years ago as wait time for treatment wad horrendous.  I have just had a privste appointment for a cyst removal and my wait time for procedure was 5 weeks, appointment for consultation only 5 days, byut more and more people are going down the privste route now.  My bcc bled before I had it removed so dont worry too much xx

  • Thanks so much I really appreciate you responding.  I do think the wait time will be long on the NHS so I will look at going privately.  The BCC I had before was different and didn’t bleed so your post is very reassuring!  


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I saw my gp on 5th June,had surgery on my neck today.i live in to wait for results.i hope you don’t wait long.