Carcinoma - shoulder area

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Recently had scans & a biopsy at ROH Birmingham as they thought I had a sarcoma on part of my shoulder blade. It’s not a sarcoma but some sort of carcinoma so they’ve referred me to Manchester. Anyone else had a similar experience? Feel like I’m in limbo now as just have to wait for Manchester to contact me & I’ve no idea how long that might be

  • Hi Tink2811,  My cancer is completly different to yours. I am only replying in reference to your waiting problem. I have been in the system now for 20 years. I hope this helps, as you said you feel in limbo and i was in that situation so decided to take control of it asap. I find out all the consultants secretary numbers, all oncology nurses numbers, all the department number, and i ring them all. This might sound a bit odd but we have to take some control of all the scan, biopsys,and referals results. I would ring Manchester asap and ask what is happening next they are busy i know but i am convinced keep your name in their minds it works. dont just wait to see what is happening, make it happen, all scan are followed up by me and i ring every day if i am waiting any results. We have to do what we can do to live a longer and better quality of life. Wishing you all the best.

  • Thanks for the advice - I’ll definitely be more proactive