Use of Arnica

  • 7 replies
  • 35 subscribers


I have BCC on my nose.Have sen the surgeon,and he will take it off and do a graft behind my ear.I am having the surgery in 2 wks from now.I was wondering if anyone here used arnica before or after surgery to help prevent swelling and bruising?I am scared to death.I want to do everything I can to ensure a good outcome.I have quit taking ibprofen and all my supplements already.I have been reading about arnica,and it sounds pretty good.Has anyone used it?Thank you so much

  • Hello Ritaann  I have had 2 basal cell skin cancers removed from my face, one with skin flap and one with skin graft which my surgeon took from the side of my face by my ear.  I am a great believer in arnica, but to be honest I never thought about taking it, but YES take it as it will help with bruising, and I did have lots of bruising, mainly I think from blood that drained down from the wound.  The graft area healed brilliantly and looks like a fine line now, but the area where the basal cell was removed from took a long time to heal properly, but it is fine now.  I had 50 stitches in it and like a scourer type dressing which is stitched to it.  When that was removed it had scabbed quite badly but once that was off, it healed brilliantly.  Where are you having it done at, I had mine done at Nuffield, Derby by Plastic Surgeon, who was brilliant.  Feel free to ask me anything as this site was my lifeline when I was going through it.  Good luck xx

  • Can you use Arnica on broken skin? I'd ask your surgeons advice to be honest and wish you all the best with your forthcoming treatment X 

  • Thank you so much for replying.I have ordered some arnica pills and plan to take them 2 days before surgery and about 4 days after.Hope they work

  • I was planing on taking them oraly.I dont know about the cream,but doubt you could use it after surgery from what i have read.Thanks for replying

  • So sorry I have only heard of Arnica cream not tablets. 

    Sincerely wish all goes well ... I'm sure it will. My surgery resulted in thin white lines on my face that if I was any good at applying makeup I'm sure I could hide but no-one ever mentions them - best wishes xx 

  • Yes the tablets definitely not the cream xx

  • Hi

    To be on the safe side, I'd check with the surgeon before you start taking these tablets in case they react with the anaesthetic. One of the questions usually asked at pre-ops is whether you are taking any medication, whether that's herbal or not.

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