Quivering wreck

  • 10 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi all

I found out last week that a 2cm wound on my forehead I'd had checked many times over the last 10 years by my GP,  is BCC. I'd never heard of BCC. I have now! 

I have a date in 10 days to have it excised & probably will need a graft 2 weeks later. 

I'm a quivering wreck & feel like someone has drained my confidence. Not a clue what to expect & I'm very confused by what happens next. My surgeon has said that I should be able to carry on working straight away I have a desk job but reading up on the procedure I find it hard to that I can just carry on as normal.

I have a packed September planned with work/voluntary stuff & wondering if I should cancel now or see how I feel. 

Wondering if I will ever be able to sleep, stop shaking or stop crying. I don't even know why I'm crying.

This makes be feel worse because i know there are people worse off than me. 

Need to find my big girl pants & locate some gumption! 

Any advice greatly appreciated 

Sorry for the moan 

  • Update..I have stopped crying & I managed to sleep! One day at a time 

  • Morning Walking.  I know exactly where you are coming from and can understand your anxiety.  I have had 2 basal cell skin cancers removed from my face.  One near my nostril with a skin flap and another nasty one right at the top of my nose hear my eye which I had a skin graft.  I couldnt sleep was a nervous wreck, but through it.  I had the one near my nose done firt and then a couple of months later the other one done.  My face did look a mess and I was so upset, but my plastic surgeon assured me it would settle in the fullness of time.  It has and the scars are barely visible now.  The operations were done with just a local anaesthetic and after they had been done it was completely painless.  I took paracetamol for a couple of days after but the pain wasnt bad at all.  This site was my god send, so many people having been through the same traumas all here to help one another.  Feel free to ask me anything I will try and help you all I can as I know I was just like you. Where do you live and what hospital are you going to. xx

  • Thank you, I really appreciate your reply. Good to hear that you are out the other side. Please may I ask roughly how long you took to feel anything like normal again? 

    • Hi Walking.  I had the last procedure done last March and went on holiday mid June and my friends who we meet up with in Cornwall couldnt believe how well I had healed.  I would say to feel confident it took me over 6 months, but mine were quite nasty.  Are you having the graft on the same day. I did - the one that required a graft was at the top of my nose right up to my tear duct and under my eye.  He took the skin from down the side of my face.  This was the worst one and when dressing and stitches were removed I did cry, BUT as he told me if would get better and it has.  How old are you, I am 74 and had it done at Nuffield hospital in Derby. Where are you having yours done at.  Please ask me anything that is worrying you, a I know I was a wreck too. Couldnt sleep, couldnt eat and often in tears.  It is a natural reaction xx
  • Thanks Harlyn. After having a panic attack & ending up in A & E I've been advised to try & focus on other things so will probably stop visiting the site for a while. Thanks for your replies x

  • Hi walking

    I had basal cell removed from side of my nose last year and like you I was a wreak. It had been misdiagnosed as nothing to worry about.

    It's always worth asking if you can have sedation for the procedure.

    I think you'll be surprised at how well your skin heals but we really do understand how you're feeling. We've been there or are still in the process. Please let us know how you get on 

  • Hello, wonder if you are still on the site. I have just put on a post as I had BCC removed from my nose a week ago by MOHs at Guys, London. I had a nose flap. It was traumatic and very painful even now. I had the dressing removed yesterday and am horrified, even though they seem to think it’s a good job.?I have also been discharged with no real advice and feel totally abandoned. 

  • I had my operation 3 weeks ago today ay Christies (Manchester). I was misdiagnosed in May then in September I got the news I dreaded malignant melamona on my face - I went to pieces - I was in ostrich mode, my "sleep" was nightmares of yucky "creatures" going all round my insides. I wouldn't talk, couldn't concentrate on anything, I refused to look at information. I slowly came round with the help of GP and I managed to attend my initial appointment. From then on the complementary therapy team helped with my anxieties and I was able to get through the scans and the op itself. PHEW! a follow up ultrasound on my neck was good news - nothing found. I had 23 stitches (a large flap on my cheek) - I was quite taken aback when I saw this after a week when 13 stitched were removed. 10 more in 3 more days. From then on the scar started healing every day I would look at on waking and every day it was that bit less. Today 3 weeks exactly since the op it is amazing! You should be having contact with district nurses surely? I've been 4 times ... this was on my discharge letter and they phoned a few hours after I had arrived home.

  • Hi yes I am still on the group and look in from time to time.  I did have a skin flap on one and a skin graft on the other  Had my stiches out after a week and saw Consultant 5 weeks later for results of biopsy.  Both looked pretty grim for a long time after and the one at the top of my nose near my eye was pretty nasty so Consultant did see me an extra time before discharging me.  It is now nearly 2 years since I had them done and they are ok.  I can still see the scars but with make up they are hardly visible.  They do still feel strange, some days worse than others. The cold seems to make them worse and also if I get hot. Please dont worry, it is very early days yet and I feel your anxiety, I was dreadful before I had the procedure done, but my Consultant was just so lovely which helped.  I am very careful with sun protection now, but I was before.  I wear Facor50 every day when going out and all the time in summer even just for hanging the washing out.  I am surprised they have just discharged you.  Did you have it done as a local or a general. Mine was done under local both of them.   If you are still worried try and get your gp to refer you back.  Good Luck and hre for you any time xx

  • Thank you so much for the reassuring and quick response. You certainly had a difficult journey and have come through with knowledge and acceptance. 
    When I calmed down a bit and read a few posts, I decided to call the Nurses Helpline and they did call back and spent some time explaining and advising, also now have booked me in for follow up in six months and said to call them again if not healing too well.

    Wearing my glasses is a bit of a challenge too. 

    I certainly will follow the advice on sunscreen and have ordered a good quality moisturiser Factor 50, I do and will wear make up when I feel able to go out again. If anyone has any experience of the best brand or even specialist products, would be grateful. I use Boots No 7 Matt coverage at moment. 
    Even though I have now lost any definition on my right nostril, I will come to terms with how things are now, and feel lucky to live somewhere where we have access to free healthcare. X