Teledermatology and AI

  • 11 replies
  • 35 subscribers


Just wondered whether anyone had experience of clinical photography as their first contact before seeing a consultant?

I was referred grom GP to dermatology on the 2week pathway and had an appointment for dermascope images aswell as smart phone images using an AI skin analysis app.

Apparently the app decides whether or not my lesion requires further investigation so slightly worried about the accuracy of that and what others experiences were?

Photos were taken 01.07.23 and was told should hear something within 3 weeks but obviously struggling to keep my mind of it!

  • So had an appointment letter through today with a dermatologist for 21.07.23 ... Guess the app saw something it wasn't sure of Grimacing

  • Hi Smiler 23 Only just seen your post.  I am in Bupa and they use a company called Skin Analytical.  They send you an Iphone with a special lens fitted on the back and you get someone to take a picture and email it to them.  My hubby did this for me and we sent it to the Company.  Within 20 minutes I had a telephone call from a Dr who works for them saying that my lesion was a definite basal cell cancer and I needed to make an urgent appointment with the dermtologist.  So yes these photos must show something is wrong.  I saw dermatologist who looked with dermascope and confirmed bcc. I was then referred to plastic surgeon for excision of the lesion with skin flap surgery.  This was a year ago and scars are quite faced now.  MIne, according to plastic surgeon, whilst being only a bcc was a very nasty one in a difficult area near my nostril but on my face.  Some are easily dealt with some with creams and others just a small cut and stitch.  Please feel free to ask me anything else you would like to know, as I understand your worry, as I have been there, and it isn't nice.  This site was my life line xx

  • I had the teledermatology after GP referral and before consultant. No app or anything though, it was a person (not the derm) at the hospital who took normal photos for placement and then used a special lens pressed right against the skin that I think allowed them to see any telangiectasia under the skin and I'm not sure what else. That then went off to the dermatologist who diagnosed the BCC and referred me to another hospital where I saw a consultant and they put me on the waiting list for surgery. Slightly weird that it doesn't seem like I'll meet my surgeon prior but oh wells :)

  • Thank you, that's the same app my NHS trust uses. I have to admit, the use of AI for things like this does make me nervous but I guess anything that speeds up the process is good and it's showing it does its job! 

    I did have a minor melt down when the letter came through thinking ok, it's something that needs a closer look. But have calmed a bit now. Guess it's going to be ups and downs until 21st when dermatologist hopefully can give me some more info. 

    My main head scrambler right now is I'm off to the Dominican Republic 31st and am historically a sun worshipper so was super excited. Now I'm just super worried about how I'll cope with the UV anxiety... Even if 21st isn't bad news the scare is enough. 

    Glad you're recovering well and scar's fading. As mine is only a 5mm lesion near my collarbone I wonder if the dermatologist might just get rid of it there and then? Can't imagine it would need plastics as it's not a complex area or particularly large? 

  • Thanks for the reply! Yeah I think our trust is one of the first to be working with the skin analysis app and it was in addition to the normal camera woth special lens you mentioned so perhaps just another supporting view? 

    Do you mind me asking what that first appointment with dermatology involved? Is it just a conversation over what they've seen then next waiting list? Seems a long time to wait for what could just be a five minute 'this is what's happening' chat ...

  • I never actually saw a dermatologist at all! I went from GP -> hospital for the photos only -> a different hospital after diagnosis to a consultant (that tbh seemed very pointless - just asked the same questions and got the same info) and next step is surgery. All of these appointments were on 2 week wait referrals for me until the surgery and now I have no clue how long I'm going to be waiting. Consultant said 4-8 weeks but who the heck knows :D

  • Have you checked out that Factor 100 sun cream I have told people about, saw it in Boots in Cornwall Euricrin (I think) made specially for people who have had skin cancers.  My Consultant told me you are more likely to get others when you have had one and I have had 2 and never ever been a sun worshipper but I am74 and the older you get that too makes you liable to get them.  If it isn't big and not too complex like mine were he may even give you chemo cream to use which a lot of people on this site have used.  Tell him about your holiday though as you dont want to start any treatment before that.  Good Luck x

  • I know you didnt ask me, but my appointment with fermatologist was very quick as he took one look and said he couldnt help me and referred me to plastic surgeon x

  • Ah ok, yes does seem strange that you've not actually seen a dermatologist bur suppose if surgery is the main thing, no point adding in extra steps. Hope tour wait is closer to 4 than 8 weeks Fingers crossed tone2

  • No but I definitely will, thankyou!