Basal cell carcinoma diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi everyone. I had the BCC diagnosis on the 29th April, it’s on my forehead. I was told I would be referred to have it removed  but was given no information. I’ve since been trying to find out more information as I have 101 questions but cannot get through to anyone at the hospital. 

How long should I wait for the procedure to take place? I’m not sure if I should have an appointment yet or not? Any help or advice would be gratefully revived. 

  • Hi CV75  Who diagnosed your bcc.  I had 2 removed last year.  I saw dermatologist first who then referred me to a plastic surgeon as they were in awkward places.  Some hospitals waiting lists for these procedures is quite long whilst others not so long,  Keep pestering so they get you an appointment as it needs treatment.  Keep in touch this site is brilliant in helping you with your questions xx

  • Thanks for the response. I has a dermatology appointment at the hospital and they said they were referring me to have it removed. 

    I’ve not been given any timescales or any information about what to expect or who I have been referred to (not had any letters etc).

    I managed to get through to the hospital today to be told I am on the waiting list but someone else would be booking me in and they would phone me to give me more info.  So again it’s waiting without knowing anything.  It’s the not knowing that’s stressing me. X

  • Hi CV75 Mine were by the side of my nostril which I had a skni flap surgery and the other very nasty top of nose right under my eye which I had treated with a skin graft.  Mine were dealt with by plastic surgery as nasty and needed spicialised treatment.  They were both done with local anaesthetic in a treatment room.  I had 5 stitches in the skin graft one and I would say 30ish in the other.  I was very stressed like you are, which is completey natural. Te surgeon told me not to be tey are easily treated and cured (hopefully). It is a year now sin e mine were done and they have healed well, although I can see them but others say they can't.  How long have you had yours and how large is it.  They didnt give you any idea how it would be dealt with, never mind when . What part of the country do you live.  They are considered by a lot of people as very minor, but to those of us who have they certainly aren;t minor and of course you are worried.  The first one I was a nervous wreck, but after I got through that and had the second one done, I wasn't so worried, but my Surgeon was Simply The Best, so kind and caring xx

  • Hi CV75

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose a year ago. It's was a 5 month wait from seeing the surgeon.

    It's understandable to be nervous but I was told that they are usually easily treated. Of course, it's very stressful when they're on your face. I had a lovely surgeon who took his time to answer all my many questions.

    When you get to meet the surgeon I'm sure they'll be happy to answer your concerns.

    Feel free to ask us anything. We're either still there or have been there do understand 

  • My sympathies to you, it is horrible waiting.  I had similar, saw the NHS dermatologist 6 weeks after referral from GP, was told that I was being referred to the facial surgeon, waited and heard nothing, called GP who gave me a phone number,  made multiple phone calls to the booking person who , when I got her which was hard enough, could never tell me anything.  I said can you tell me how many people are ahead of me and how many appointments you make a week and what date did you book today, so I would at least I could do some calculations and work out if it was going to be 2 months or a year or two years…. She always said she would ask and get back to me, and never did.  I got so stressed that I went private, but it was very expensive and even then not instant.

    The NHS has a website where you can supposedly look up waiting times for any speciality.  I had a look and it differed amazingly, my area showed as 34 weeks wait and other hospitals not so far away as short as 4 weeks.  I didn’t pursue it so I don’t know how it works to get on a different waiting list, sorry.

    The good news is that these things are slow growing, also on your forehead should hopefully be straightforward.  Mine was on my nostril so complicated to fix.

    Wishing you strength, and good fortune with the nhs postcode lottery.