Bcc on nose

  • 14 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I've recently (2nd april) been confirmed as having basal cell carcinoma on my nose I've been seen by dermatology biopsies etc and now referred to plastic surgeons have appointment next week for consultation 

I thought I wad handling it all but last few days everything seems difficult head is battered with it all and so anxious about the surgery I'm terrified this is my tipping point on top rest stress I feeling 

Any suggestions on how get past this feeling I'm mum of 5 with one being disabled and complex needs I can't feel like this 


  • Hi skim

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose last June. Referred by dermatology to head and neck surgeon. 

    How you're feeling is normal. I was terrified, over stressed and became paranoid and that's all I could think of. I think in some ways you have to go with those emotions. It's counterproductive to bottle them up.

    What I would suggest is, when you meet your surgeon. Explain how you're feeling. I sat and cried and he was lovely and so reassuring. I was still nervous but he really helped.

    As far as the surgery is concerned it depends on the size and location but healing us usually good. I was fully healed by five weeks and my wound was left to heal by itself.

    There's lots of us on here that have gone through similar so please feel free to ask us anything.  Especially ask your surgeon.

    We've all been there and understand

  • In the meantime use factor 50, sunglasses and a hat. Cover up as much as possible and be careful in this hot weather we're having.

    Please let us know how you get on at your appointment

  • Hello Tia, I hope by now you have seen the consultant and are maybe feeling a bit better.  I too came to this site very anxious and I got through the process and am healing well.  You have a lot more on your plate than me, but on the other hand, 5 children?!  That makes you hugely more courageous and capable than me.  I do hope you get the support you need.  It isn’t fair how much of the burden of disability care falls to the parent.

  • 16 days ago excision. 14 days ago skin flap graft. W days ago stitches removes with no dressing. Looked in the mirror before leaving the hospital and thought that it’s a right mess. 

    Reading this and loads of other posts n here gives me expectation that it won’t always be a mess! But my impatience is the worst of it. Want to get back to a normal lifestyle ASAP. 

  • Hi all my lovelies.  Seen lots on the site as I am holiday in Cornwall.  My stress levels are 150% as it is so hot so much sun and I just hate it. Could sit and cry.  I am lathering every part of me that isnt covered with Factor 50 suncram, hats sun glasses and sitting on the balcony as uch as I can out of the sun.  I hear all your worries as lots of you know I was worried, scared evey emotion under the sun. People who havent been through it just dont realise what we go through. Skin cancer isn't something trivial that a lot of people think it is. It makes a massive impact on your life.  Yes I am healed now but every day I check my face and body for any new lesions as we all know once you have had bcc's you are at risk of getting more.  All I can say is I survived, it isn't an easy journey, I won't tell you it is, but you will be ok in the end. Use this site to vent all your anger and fears and one of us will respond and tyalk you through it.  If anyone of you want to friend me please do so, and I will talk with you privately and show you my before anbd after pictures.  I am here for any of you struggling, as I am struggling at the moment,  My hubby is supportive and I am trying my best not to spoil his holiday, but so very hard.  I wake every morning and see the sun shining through the window and my heart sinks another day or worry. Think I will have to holiday in November.  God Bless you all and remember I am here for you xx

  • Hi Harlyn hope the evenings are enjoyable though? It’s been non stop sun here in Devon too and I could really do without It ! Met relatives at a campsite this morning but luckily they wanted to sit in the shade so I didn’t need to say anything.

    Have been feeling really down since my GP appointment yesterday. Can’t stop crying and really didn’t want to meet family at the campsite but I made myself. I had a call from my surgery this morning and I had a helpful chat with a nurse who prescribed Sertraline - I’m not all that comfortable with taking it but the fear and panic I’m experiencing is unbearable. I hope it works…has anyone else tried it? 

    I completely understand your anxieties as you know and avoiding the sun is kind of embarrassing but i slap on the spf, hat and cover up as much as i can - and ignore what anyone thinks. Most people do understand when you mention you want shade but they do not understand the skin cancer fear unless they have experienced skin problems in my opinion. 

    I am taking next week off work as I can’t concentrate on anything. Normally I like the distraction from anxiety but It’s not working at the moment. It’s the waiting and uncertainty that kills me …Anyway sorry for all the doom and gloom I needed to let it out to someone who understands. This site is so valuable to me xx

  • Hi Harlyn

    I've been thinking about you on holiday in this heat and hope you're managing to enjoy yourself despite the intense sun.

    I'm also covered in factor 50. Clothes hat and sunglasses and yet I'm seeing so many people burnt with loads of skin on show. It makes me cringe.

    I've just ordered a factor 50 umbrella which I'm hoping will help

    Looking forward to torrential rain and autumn 

  • Hi Bender2.  I certainly identify with what you say, patience does not come easily to me either.  My appearance improved rapidly for the first 14 days or so after the last stitches came out, but since then has not changed very much.  I would say though that now, 3 months since the last surgery, I do pretty much have my old lifestyle back.

  • Lovely Harlyn, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling during your holiday.  It is a bitter twist of fate that you are getting all this sunshine, given the reputation of the English seaside for endless rain.  I too scan the forecasts hoping for some nice cool drizzle, thinking “Bah humbug” thoughts when people exclaim about the beautiful weather.  Yes, a nice city break holiday in November sounds good to me.

  • Hello Figgy, I’m sorry to read about how you are feeling.  The waiting and uncertainty is hard to bear.  I hope the medication will take the edge off.    

    There seem to be so many of us in the same boat.  And yet, as Puckettyboo says, you still see people with sunburn.  And use of sun beds is apparently increasing!  Madness.