BCC diagnosis today

  • 5 replies
  • 35 subscribers

After 2 years the lesion at the side of my eye I've been told lots likely to be a BCC. Second visit to Dr was recorded as skin tag then Dr last week said 99.9 % certain nothing to worry about. I'm floored by diagnosis by dermatology. 

I'm now on 2 week pathway !

I'm so scared and anxious even though logically my heads telling me don't be silly it hasn't changed in 2 yrs.

3 yrs ago I had a 3 month wait thinking I had lung cancer this diagnosis has put me right back to that same pain in my chest 


  • Hi Tess 72   Sorry to hear you have a bcc.  I think you will find lots of people on here think Drs aren't very good at diagnosing these skin cancers.  I had two removed last year from my face and luckily my Dr did act quickly. I had one removed from the side of my nose by skin flap surgery and another right at the top of my nose area near my tear duct by skin graft.  A year later and they are fine the scars not too bad.  I am sure now you are on the pathway you will get the treatment necessary and hopefully have a good outcome.  It is understandable you are worried I was in a dreadful state as I had to have mine done by a plastic surgeon due to where they were. All done with locals and lots of stitches but it was fine.  Hope everything goes well for you, keep in touch and this site has been mine and lots of others life line during this difficult time.  xx

  • Thank you and good to hear your outcome.. its just a shock when I've had tgis 2 years and done tge right thing by going tobthe doctors straight away to be told its an aging thing just put hydrocortisone on it to make it less angry.. 

    I have myv dream holiday booked forc10 weeks time after a horrendous few years dealingvwith 3 family bereavements and multiple back surgeries with my husband. My cup has runneth over ! 

    I'm hhonestly not concerned with the aesthetics just scared to death about what's going to be said next and the higher chance of reoccurring.

  • Hi Tess72

    You've really been through a lot over the past few years  and of course the stress and anxiety build up.

    I had  a basal cell removed from my nose last year after being told by a dermatologist and my GP it was nothing to worry about.

    It was something to worry about as a second dermatologist confirmed it was as BCC and I was referred to head and neck surgeon.

    GPs are generally not all that good at recognising them.

    I have a tiny thing in the corner of my eye too which the surgeon is aware of. It hasn't grown in a year so he's taken a watch and wait approach. I'll probably have a biopsy next time I see him.

    It is a shock when you get diagnosed but now you're in the system and hopefully you'll soon be able to.put this behind you.

    It's perfectly natural to be worried and anxious especially when you've initially not been diagnosed correctly.

    Please keep in contact and let us know how you get on 

  • In reference to your concerns about recurrence. They'll take a wide margin to get a clear margin.

    I was told I'm at risk of getting more but as I'm in the system both myself and the surgeon will pick up on it

  • Thank you I really appreciate your reply good luck with the eye blemish x

    I have my appointment 7th June so fingers crossed and a tense few days my logical head is fighting my emotional side every minute. I think it's due to my mum going to A&E to be told in the middle of the night she was terminal and palliative care only that was the start of my awkward relationship with medics.