Crusty mole

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers


I had a mole map done in 2016 and was told to keep an eye on things.

Last night my back was itching.. often does in the same area.. got my wife to have a look.

I've been to the GP today who wasn't concerned at all.. she said she'd not refer me under the 2 week rule as it's on my back and I don't use sunbeds therefore I'm low risk.. I don't know to me it looks dodgy as hell.. 

I feel like it prompts the week rule given its grown, is itchy, scabby and I've felt shattered for ages..  What do you guys think? Am I being irrational? 

  • Hello Northy 183.  Go back and insist as I and people on this group will tell you that skin cancers should not be taken lightly and they are by some gp's. One of the first thinbgs they ask is has it changed, yours has, and does it itch, yours does.  Please go back and ask if you can be seen earlier.  Where do you live as some areas are worse than others for dermatology. x

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Whilst it's good that your GP doesn't think there's anything to be concerned about I'm rather surprised that this is because "it's on my back and I don't use sunbeds". Melanoma can occur anywhere on the body and is caused by ultraviolet light exposure, which can be from the sun or sunbeds. You can read all about the causes and risk factors here.

    Although feeling "shattered for ages" isn't a sign of melanoma the other symptoms you mention could be. Have a look at Macmillan's information on signs and symptoms of melanoma and, if these seem to apply to your mole, then make another appointment with your GP to explain your concerns. Alternatively, is there another doctor in your practice you could see so that you have a second opinion?

    Do come back and let us know how you get on when you speak to the doctor again.

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  • Hi Northy183

    I am sorry to hear that you are worried and  I know exactly how that feels.

    I would contact the surgery again tomorrow and tell them that you would like a second opinion. Also ask if there are any GPs that specialise in dermatology as this would be the ideal person to see. A friend of mine was not satisfied with a GP’s diagnosis ( GP did specialise in dermatology) and demanded to be referred to a consultant dermatologist at her local hospital which they did so you could also try that. Another option is to make an appointment with a private hospital consultant dermatologist for a consultation. I have recently made a similar appointment which is costing £180. Mine is at a local Nuffield Hospital. 

    Please try to not panic but be proactive- you have rights ! 
    Take care and let me know how you get on


  • Hello Northy183

    My experience has been that not Gps are  not experienced in skin cancers and  are certainly not experts.

    This is really worrying you so why don't you see a different doctor and ask them to.look at it?

    I really don't understand the reasoning that you don't use sunbeds and it's on your back?

    I'd certainly chase this up