Mole screening and anxiety

  • 15 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi I am new to this site so I apologise in advance if I make any mistakes!! I was also not sure where to post this as although initially I had treatment 10 years ago I am still having issues.

About 10 years ago I had a BCC removed from the side of my nose, last year used Efudex for an AK on cheek and a month ago used the cream again for a Bowens lesion on my lower leg. I was not too bad 10 years ago but am now petrified about every mole on my body/face and also any new marks etc. Recently I had a spot on my nose and convinced myself it was a BCC and then a mark appeared on my upper chest which was caused by my apron rubbing!! (don’t laugh Laughing ) and again I was dead and buried ! Anyway as you can see I am seriously anxious - I have a counselling appointment booked for next week and I was wondering if I should also pay for a private mole screening appointment as my GP (who is a dermatologist) said that they do not do this on the NHS. Has anyone had one and how often ? Because of my anxiety I am aware of the fact that I feel the need to keep checking and checking and just need some sensible advice on how to manage my skin and my anxiety. Sorry for the ramble I clearly just need someone to talk to x

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read how anxious you have become about your skin since being diagnosed with a BCC 10 years ago. I was diagnosed with melanoma nearly 7 years ago now and I can remember how shocked and upset I felt at the time.

    Since then I've had to keep a check on my skin as melanoma can recur. My advice to you about checking your skin would be what I was told to do by my dermatologist when I was first diagnosed. He advised me to take photos of the various sections of my body, eg. lower front left leg, upper front left leg, etc to use as a baseline. Then to only check once a month using those photos as a guide. He said that if you check anymore often than that you won't notice a change, because they happen slowly, and using the photos I can easily see if I have a new mole or mark and if any of the existing ones have changed.

    I am still under the care of an NHS consultant dermatologist so have six monthly check-ups where she visually checks and feels my entire body. When I am eventually discharged, I intend to pay for a check-up once a year with a private dermatologist and, in between, continue to do my own checks.

    I'm pleased that you're getting counselling for your anxiety and I hope that they are able to help you get that under control as it must be very debilitating.

    You might also like to join the life after cancer group where you can discuss things like the physical and emotional after effects of cancer, returning to work, or trying to move on with your life. If you'd like to do this, just click on the link I've created which will take you straight there. Once you've joined the group you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing threads by clicking on 'reply'.

    I think you might also find this paper called After the Treatment Finishes - Then What really helpful. It was written by a psychologist who was involved in cancer care and is well worth reading as it resonates with so many of us who have had cancer.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Do come back and let us know how your counselling goes.


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  • Hi figgy

    I had a basal cell removed from my nose last June and have also had to use effudex.

    My consultant told me that I was in danger of becoming paranoid and I know that her right. I just don't feel able to control it and it's getting worse.

    It feels like I'm constantly checking and imagining the worst all the time to the extent that I know that it's getting out of hand.

    I have an appointment with my GP soon to discuss this as I really do think I need help.

    I've also decided to see a private dermatologist yearly for a thorough skin check.

    I really can empathise with you as all logic disappears and it can become all consuming. It's great that you're getting help with your anxiety though and hopefully that will really help as will a yearly check.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on

  • Hi Puckettyboo thank you so much for your message it’s reassuring to hear that I am not on my own in feeling so paranoid. I am building up to booking the mole check - my Dermatologist GP recommended a local skin clinic doctor that has excellent reviews. But !I’m scared !! I will definitely call them this week if not today but am frightened she will find loads of problems…this is crazy I know as my sensible head will make myself go! I also keep looking a people’s arms and legs especially women and they are covered in moles and age spots and they just sit there in the sun !!! 

    You  sound just like me so maybe we should get this situation under control together as we both know that early diagnosis is really important. My CBT counselling starts tomorrow and I have written a list of feelings to talk about and hopefully address. I will let you know how I get on and please try not to panic - be proactive and sensible and then hopefully you can accept that you are doing everything you can and as stress is so bad for you try to let the worries go. 

    Let me know how you get on.

    Jackie x

  • Hi Figgy  Welcome to the world of being skin cancer paranoid.  I have had 2 basal cell cancers removed last year, one by skin flap near my nostril and a second top of my nose right near my tear duct by skin graft.  It has taken a year for them to settle and scars to dminish but not altogether.  Puckettyboo and myself have become friends as we helped one another with our journey.  Yes I am paranoid now that yellow thing in the sky has appeared.  I had mine dealt with by plastic surgeon through Bupa privately.  I did want to see him yearly for a check up but he said it wasnt necessary as all results had come back with good margins and he was satisfied.  He said I was a very sensible lady with sun cream care and he knew I would contact him if I was worried.  I have always been sun aware never been abroad, never used a sun bed and if I do sit in the sun which isnt very often use a hat, Factor 50 sun cream and I still got two. S0 what do we do,  I drive everyone mad about getting out of the sun putting sun cream on, just cant help it.  I was told to use Factor 50 from March until end of November even if  I was just putting wasing out.  So you are not alone we are all together in this and here for you to talk to anytime. I use No 7 factor 50 facial sun cream and No 7 do a very nice factor 50 foundation which I use too.  Good Luck

    Mary xx

  • Hi figgy

    As Harlyn said we've really helped each other through our skin cancer nightmare and resulting paranoia.

    One of the things the consultant said to me was that I am now on his radar so if I notice anything he will see it quite quickly and that I can call his secretary anytime. It does feel like a bit of a safety net.

    I jokingly asked if I could see him every month and that's when he said I'm in danger of becoming paranoid. He's right. I am.

    I don't see him again until Feb next year.

    Like you, I see people covered in moles and blemishes happily sat in the sun and I'm horrified.

    I really think a yearly dermatology check will help you and I understand that in itself is making you nervous but IF there's anything it will be seen and dealt with.

    Hope your CBT goes well tomorrow. Please let us know how it goes.

  • Hi Harlyn

    How are you doing?

    I've been using the boots by 7 factor 50 like you recommended and I love it. 

    It's weird as people are saying how lovely it us to see the sun and I feel like hibernating.

    I wonder if we'll ever be able to relax in the sun again?

    I'll try to remember what figgy just said that stress is  bad for us and that's so true. I've  really got to somehow get to grips with this.

    Hope you're doing ok 

  • Hi latchbrook, Harlan and pucketyboo thank you so much for your replies - I had got myself into such a tizzy this week that I cried all the way through whilst reading your messages as you all sounded so kind.

    Your advice really helped me to get this into perspective, get a grip and just get on with it! I tried to make an appointment for a mole scan only to find out the recommended skin doctor had retired in April…this sent me into a spin but I phoned my local Nuffield and spoke to a lovely kind receptionist (she chatted for ages) and I have booked one for July 7th - they seem very busy. 

    Best wishes xx

  • Hi figgy that's brilliant and a really positive step you've taken. It's something I'm definitely going to do.

    Hope your counselling session went well 

  • Hi Figgy whereabouts do you live xx

  • Hi Puckettyboo I live in Plymouth…counselling went ok today - cried all through that too ! It was only an initial appointment where they plan what to do with me ! So in 3 weeks time they will contact me x