Scared Scc has spread/is aggressive

  • 3 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I've yet to see anyone about my diagnosis, I found out through my nhs app that I have scc lower lip. 

I had an incisions biopsy 22nd March/ a lot of what was left behind dried up and fell off, however it is starting to grow back just weeks later. 

I'm in my mid 30s and petrified as I am now learning after a bit of reading  that I've had AK for probably the last 5 years if not longer, I first went to my gp last August 2022 for a small waxy bump on my lip that somewhat resembled a blister back well as many other oral complaints such as persistent recurring sore throat/ difficulty & pain swallowing. Both of which I very much still have.

I was completely fobbed off, went back in November 2022, referred to ENT and for ct scan.

Both performed in December, both came back satisfactory with moderate inflammation of no obvious cause, they put down to acid reflux, and some small gallstones found, put on omeprazole which helped minimally at first but now no effect. Diet changed which again only helped minimally. 

Suffered with terrible sinus and jaw/tooth pain in January/February . Dentist immediately said she was referring me to oral & maxillofacial for biopsy of lower lip lesion and stated my gums looked suspicious too.

Not seen by oral & maxio until 17th March, consultant said there were signs of pre-cancer but he was confident the lesion would be benign.

22nd March had the incisions biopsy, again consultant mentioned signs of pre- cancer but with no obvious concern.

Fast forward to last Monday, and I casually go on my nhs app to re-order omeprazole/gaviscon and find details of biopsy result confirming SCC of lower lip.... No report attached just a statement confirming diagnosis, no staging/margin/type details.

I spent the whole week trying to contact a clinician with no joy Disappointed Best I got was confirmation that it was correct. Gp told me to contact hospital. Hospital has not responded after numerous messages. 

Originally didn't have a f-up until 30th May which I find ridiculous after a positive biopsy. 10 weeks post biopsy that would be ???

Have managed to have this brought forward to 9th May 7weeks post biopsy still a long time in my opinion but perhaps normal, I'm new to cancer but always thought pathway was quick???

Anyhow guess I'm just looking for advice from anyone with same type or location of the cancer, and positive news despite lesion being there for so long before finally being biopsied.

Thanks all 

  • I really cant help but mine were both basal cell cancers on my face one by my nose and other by my eye. Had them both excised by skin flap and skin graft  My gp referred me under the 2 week cancer referral scheme but we were in Bupa so went privately, although had to wait longer than the 2 weeks for dermatologist who then referred me to plastic surgeon.  I cant believe the treatment you have received as squamous cell is worse than basal cell and should be dealt with quickly.  I had to wait 5 weeks for the biopsy for the one near my tear duct as this was inconclusive, but as soon as it was confirmed as a basal cell Plastic surgeon dealt with it within 4 weeks. Squamous cell should definitely be dealt with within the 2 week cancer pathway and you need to make a complaint, this is not accpetable.  Please leep in touch and ask any questions you need to as this site is amazing and kept me goi ng throughout my ordeal as we are all in the same boat. Sending you love and hugs and good wishes xx

  • I'm considering going private but will wait until 9th to give nhs chance to explain but irregardless I will be making a complaint to pals, just feel I've been treated appalingly.

    I'm bemused by the fact nobody has contacted me, I'm trying to remain positive but honestly struggling as it's just been such a difficult process up until this point... I  honestly never thought I'd have to fight so hard to be heard and even now with a positive biopsy I just feel like I've disappeared off of their radar Sleepy 

    I'm hoping because the lesion was small no more than 2cm they've got most of it during biopsy, but they definitely left some behind and despite most of that flaking off, there is still some remnants there and I can see and feel it starting to regrow.  With it being scc not bcc like you say I'd of thought they'd want to perform 2nd procedure quickly.

    I know the nhs is struggling as I work there myself (ironically next door to the department I'm under) but blimey it's all a bit of a headache.

    Thank you for your reply, I hope you are now fit & well? And free of the bccs?? Xx

    Hugs and warm wishes to you too. 

  • Hi Kate, hope you got some answers from your follow up?

    I have had similar symptoms to you over the last few years, jaw and tooth pain, and was under max facial for a while although they didn’t find anything. I have a strange looking bump on my lip which I need to get checked out as I had BCC removed from near my eye a few years ago. I was in my 40’s at the time and so worried and upset about scarring, I was in a terrible place for a while and felt that no one could relate.. The scars are barely visible now thankfully.